
ain’t the internet grand.

This game had to be played and this is why. Englishmen and Frenchmen and many other nationalities joining together in defiance of evil doers.

Just change Europe to USA and Muslims to Irish and you could easily imagine this comment is from 1840.

The problem isn’t that all Muslims are bad people, because they obviously aren’t. Of course the vast majority of Muslims are good people. The problem is, even the good Muslims don’t actually add enough value to European countries to justify the importation of such a large number of them. They don’t integrate well,

“Fuck these assholes. Fuck them—if I may say—sideways”


Jesus. What do you have to do to get a felony conviction?

Holy shit I found something I hate even more than either of their comments.

There has to be someone affiliated with Deadspin that can pull off the mannerisms and affectations of an adolescent attendee.

The Panthers are 7-1 and are going to the championship what are you even talking about

Mozgov is center. Center on LeBron team not meant to create own baskets. Center on LeBron team meant to catch pass, make dunk, make shot. Mozgov is good center for LeBron team.

Jesus, man.

You know you fucked up when Philadelphia has the moral high ground

I’m going to go with no, but only because Austrian isn’t a language.

I prefer this pic:

Tomorrow is Kaepernick’s birthday, for god’s sake!

Deadspin cover curse?