
Karen Berger's back! Yay!

It's funny you bring that up, because every time I read about Joe Hill, they always point out he's Stephen King's son. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of making it on your own…

But does Chewie's dong flop around when he's running? Do Wookiees have external genitalia? To the internet!

Is Valerian supposed to look like he's 15? The commericals for this movie make Carla Delevingine come across as his babysitter and not his partner.

More like "Dumb-kirk," amIright?

Oh man, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom sounded so cool to me on paper, because it touches on several of my buttons: amusement parks gone bad, AI, cutting social satire. And instead it was mostly about how cool the protagonist is, how he has a hot young maker girlfriend even though he's been locked in a theme park

It's rich white people progressive in that all the conflicts are minor but blown up into major disasters.

I would have thought you of all people — a yellow-skinned three-foot tall cartoon that has a large slash-fiction meme fandom — would be in support of this.

The only reason Elongated Man was originally created was due to rights issues with the original Plastic Man comics, I believe.

My favorite joke on "The Once and Future Thing, Part 1" is when the time ripples replace John Stewart with Hal Jordan for a bit. Hal just rolls with being in such a strange location: "Another time shift. I'm up to speed. Carry on."

There is only one live action Booster Gold and his name is Nathan Fillion.

That reference is now old enough to lure an unsuspecting AOL user over now that its parents are gone!

He prefers to go by "Marcus."

I think the problem with both Miller's and Chase's characters is that they were both designed as early antagonists to the lead character(s). Once those antagonists start to grow as characters (or when the other characters around them start to grow), their roles in the show diminish. Both Miller and Chase are very

IDW hasn't met an intellectual property it won't make a comic out of.

Yeager is scouring the ruins of Chicago for surviving Autobots and parts that he can take back to his junkyard hideout at an Indian reservation in South Dakota.

I am completely and utterly fascinated by Mssr. Nudeador's descent into the macabre underworld of spooks and witches. May Odin give you the strength and wisdom to defeat these unnameable evils. friend. We will eagerly await you at the Sportatorium until you return.

The A.V. Club

Jared's winter outfits were on point tonight. I love that he has this own little meticulous world that none of the other guys are involved into. I can see why he fvcks.

It took me a moment to realize Erlich trying to burn himself alive in the palapa (holy shit, that's dark) is a callback to the Hooli truck driver being burnt alive when his truck crashes.