
What did you expect? Dickon was pretty inflexible.

Gendry was able to smash those two guards' faces in because of his massive upper body strength. I wonder how he had the time to work on his arms so much….

What will the new site design look like? Please say it won't look like Gizmodo. I like how the AV Club's features and regular columns appear at the top of the page. I like how the album, movie, and TV reviews are all clustered together. I don't like Gizmodo's "everything in one long list, newest at the top" infinite

Based on that picture, I'd say this isn't the first slice of beef Rush has had recently.

I didn't realize how much I needed seeing these weird pairings until tonight: Arya/Brienne, Davos/Missandei,

Ok, speaking of plot threads (the most important discussion for MST3K!), I've always wondered why there appears to be a talk show setup in the opening credits but is never mentioned during the show proper.

"Attack of the The Eye Creatures" was one of my favorites growing up. It's just so bad, from the one Eye Creature clearly wearing khakis to the really greasy guy in the nightshirt that's in the movie for some reason.

Is this only the first Dark Tower movie, or are they already planning on dumping the franchise and its related TV series ?

But is there an explanation as to why there are four different train emojis on my phone?

Yara's kinda a b-word.

Between Greyworm, Theon, and Varys, there wasn't a whole lot of sausage in that Council stew.

You don't use ranged weapons in close-quarter combat! That's like asking to be killed. You should always have a secondary melee weapon on you.

Scene: the pitch black of night. Fiery ships remain bobbing up and down in the inky Narrow Sea. Theon, cursing his cowardice and his lack of manhood, clutches to a floating board of his sister's once-mighty lead ship. Perhaps the Drowned God will have pity on him, he thinks. Either or, but a death among the waves

Hot Pie, new King of the North?

I remember my fellow middle schoolers were fairly positive about him getting off. After all, we were in our "damn the authority!" phase. Plus, Johnny Cochran was a thing. Boring old prosecutors and the law can't compete with that.

I'm sorry, I meant "since he was a local politician, you had probably heard more about him than I, as a American, have."

*pours one out for the Big Boss Man and Akeem*


@avclub-e89ba7ae41a663d8243cdc95b0990027:disqus As a Finn, I assume you have first-hand knowledge of this. Is it true that Halme/Borga was a neo-Natzi after quitting wrestling?

I think the crowd's "meh" reaction was because AA were almost complete non-factors over on the other brand. Bringing in the less-entertaining half of a tag team that's barely on TV and making him a singles star with a goofy storyline isn't a recipe for success.