
Wait, I legitimately missed Aries/Neville? When the hell was that match? I guess I might as well turn off the show now.

I've had a lot of the same thoughts you did. I don't understand why NXT makes Dillinger suffer so much, especially since he could easily be a challenger to Roode's title. I don't mind his team losing, but him taking the pinfall just seems to take the wind out of his sails. He's going to have to win sometime before the

I think Nakamura's "problem" is that he happened to become NXT champion right when NXT lost a lot of its main eventers to the main brands. There just didn't seem like the right pieces were there for him to have a really memorable feud in NXT.

While I know it's probably more serious than I initially thought, I giggled thinking of the Zord accidentally stepping on and crushing a homeless guy.

IIRC, the "movie" was made of two episodes from an Amazing Stories-esque show with the Ernest Borgnine bits filmed then wrapped around it to sell it as a "movie."

I like it very much!!

Nah. The last few Weezer albums have been pretty decent.

To be fair, I think this movie was long enough on the shelf that Paige was the top female wrestler, then overshadowed by the Four Horsewomen, then fell into craziness with Alberto Del Rio before it came out.

His look is *always* going to tie him to Wyatt, whether the WWE wants him to be or not. It's like when Eric Rowan went face a few years back but still wore the crazy sheep mask and overalls.

I think it's because his character has been "Wyatt Henchman #1" since he debuted. It's hard for people to really notice how good a worker someone is when they only exist to get pinned in six-man matches.

There's also (theoretically) Paige and Summer Rae coming back eventually. When half the women's roster is out injured, it tends to make the booking a little stale.

He also — despite being the most famous and successful wrestling promoter of his era and the son of a famous and successful wrestling promoter — seems to want to not be known as a wrestling promoter. McMahon's history is filled with failed crossover attempts at "mainstream respectability." For instance, the WBF.

If I were to guess, I'd assume most wrestling fans are youngish, which is an age group that skews left. Also, there's a surprisingly high amount of Hispanic wrestling fans that probably aren't huge fans of Trump's policies.

I'm #1 at #2!

Between this episode and the Adventure Time episode following it, there's been a lot of "pseudo-70s-style animated utopias with dark underbellies" tonight.

In my head-canon, Jaspers would be the equivalent of sergeants while Amethysts are more like infantry forces.

I always remembered Elbow as one of those Coldplay-esque bands from the mid-'00s. Is that accurate?

Do we know if Jaspers are a step above Amethysts in rank or are all Quartz-based gems the same? (I could look this up in the Wiki, but I'm too lazy.)

Have we seen anyone aside from Diamonds have their own Pearls? It's not something I had thought about until last night. Pearl being "liberated" from Pink Diamond would explain how/why she's so worshipful of Rose Quartz.

Is Smash Mouth the new Journey, in that they went from "this band sucks big fat dong" to "we like them ironically" to "they rule"? Because if that's the case, I think I'll avoid this.