
I mean, it's not like we're on a pop-culture obsessive site or anything…

I'm not really surprised that this is the probably end for Conando. He got stuck in a weird generation gap of late night TV. He was too young for Leno and Letterman, and now he seems too old for the Jimmy Fallon crowd. His political stuff has never been very biting, and people just want *more* political jokes to share

Actually, in a "postshow wrap up" thing after one of his travelogue episodes, he strongly hinted at wanting to do more travel pieces. "Strongly hinted" as in "seemed to want to do them right now." I think being on TV for almost 25 years is boring him.

Are you implying the U.S. title that Roman Reigns sometimes forgets to bring down with him isn't seen as important?

Great, now I can say an entry on Wookiepedia almost made me cry. Stupid year.

It sure would be nice if Shinji had another female character to have sexual tension with! Evangelion turned into harem anime so subtly I didn't even realize it.

Seriously? Then my beaten-up copies of the Platinum set should be worth a fortune! If only I didn't get rid of my older DVD box set when I upgraded 12 years ago!

I'm sure it'll eventually be ripped to YouTube or something against Trent's will.

He was responsible for the disappearance and replacement of the first main character on that show with the second main character.

My favorite early Late Night character was Dino Stamatopolus's "Tomari the Ostrich." It was a very very very weird way to introduce the next week's guests (Dino was in an ostrich costume that would "lay an egg" with the guests' names in it). That was weird enough on its own, but the Tomari would shriek and flail about

Actually, Conan stated he was the only one who loved it. I believe the interview was done by the A.V. Club many moons ago.

To be fair, you could say that about almost all of Showtime's shows. The first season is great, the second season is good, the third is okay, and then the show just…keeps…going…

I remember the movie being so goddamn blue that it was nearly impossible to identify what was going on. Ah, the cheap blue filter to cover up crappy CGI.

There are samples of the sounds of gunshots on it.

This comment is made wonderful ("Mr. Wonderful") by your name. I hope your fin finally heals someday.

I wouldn't be surprised if "Burning Hammer" isn't already the name of a heavy metal band somewhere.

These guys should do a rap-rock collaboration with Lex Luger.

Sadly, I doubt he'll be impeached unless he's either caught a) covered in someone else's blood and carrying a sack with a $ sign on it on the Senate floor, b) caught groping the underage daughter of Mike Pence, or c) both.

I think you're onto something that the GJI didn't touch on (I haven't read the linked article yet). From what I've gathered, a "cuck" isn't just a weak man, but a white man who's allowing the black man to come after the white women. In this case, the "white women" are both "white culture" and actual white women. it

See, I think he's flattered but frustrated with how to behave around her. Chelsea's definitely coming on strong and I imagine a small-town pastor doesn't deal with that kind of thing regularly.