
I guess it goes to show a man running at you with a knife is more deadly at 20 paces than a man with a bow.

I'd argue Planet Terror, or being briefly married to Marilyn Manson.

You lost me at "old favorites like Skeet Ulrich."

Also, Scully has apparently stopped believing in aliens despite being abducted and seeing alien activity at least every three cases.

I'm thinking of Old School, Wedding Crashers, Dodgeball, etc.

For a show that was on the air for six seasons (five of which on a major network) and a large internet fanbase, you'd think the show would have a good chance of seeping into the public consciousness. Sadly, it did not.

I think some comedies hit people at a certain age but have a hard time moving past that generation. I've seen Zoolander a lot because it came out my freshman year of college and has been replayed almost daily on Comedy Central or on DVD when I was living in the dorms. I don't know if a 15 year old in 2016 would have

Zoolander No. 2 is interesting mostly for being an artifact of a bygone era of comedy. For about a ten year period, any movie "the Frat Pack" was in was destined to be replayed, quoted, and a box-office smash. Now, Stiller, Ferrell, Owen & Luke Wilson, and Vince Vaughn are all box office duds. I'm not even sure if

I think Zoolander ties in with the That's My Bush! article from yesterday. Both take place in that weird time in 1999 to 2001 when there didn't seem to be any major political problems to skewer, so people just elevated dumb crap to be worried about. Unfortunately for Zoolander, it premiered a few weeks too late to

I mean, I think Zoolander is the definition of a movie you watch for 10 minutes on Comedy Central and then flip off when your other show comes on. It's got fine bits, but it really doesn't hold together as much of anything.

I'm not sure if they still are, but Comedy Central was known for being incredibly cheap with their programming. Hell, even today, most of their shows are of the "guy/gal standing behind a desk" a variety. An actual live-action sitcom would be much more expensive than Tosh.O

"What if God Smoked Cannibus?" Because we all know how edgy and drug-friendly Weird Al's song are /s.

She and Emma had a good team in NXT. I think the problem is that Creative tried to combine two storylines into one when Emma got injured, even though neither worked well together.

But if she gets good numbers and a good reaction, then logic would dictate they push her.

Charlotte should be the Cersei Lannister to Ric's Tywin. I suppose that makes David Jamie? Ugh.

Supposedly the Revival's win was a last-minute thing. I suppose that means American Alpha might get called up by SummerSlam.

I am amazed that, for how deep the Women's Division is, they've only had four women on screen for the last two months. I think they killed Paige's momentum last year and they're killing Sasha Banks's momentum this year. I guess two different women's feuds is two too much.

a movie that makes sure to strip Brie to her underwear for a solid seven or eight minutes early on.

It was also a totally different Mountain that he beat. And he kinda cheated.

Alien Encounter is something else now. I actually was on a family trip to Disney World the year it opened and it opened three weeks early (or something like that) on the last day we were in the park. I never got to see it. I heard it was much more terrifying than anything else in Disney World and that's why it was