I'm kinda surprised the Mean Streak is still standing. It's not that popular but it takes up a lot of space in the park. I guess it's too expensive to tear down or Cedar Point just needs a big wooden coaster.
I'm kinda surprised the Mean Streak is still standing. It's not that popular but it takes up a lot of space in the park. I guess it's too expensive to tear down or Cedar Point just needs a big wooden coaster.
Is Mission:Space the one inside the big globe where you're going upward but it feels like you're laying on your back? Yeah, I didn't like that at all as a kid.
In order to get his cell phone that had fallen out of his pocket, instead of just waiting until the ride temporarily shuts down for maintenance and asking a staff member.
Space Mountain was one of the worst rollercoasters I've ever been on. It's not because of the actual ride, but it's because the whole thing is in pitch darkness and I couldn't orient myself at all when I was a kid. I've seen videos of the ride when the lights are on and it looks completely and utterly tame.
I feel like I never gave Shriek a real chance, so maybe I'll give it another spin after listening to the new album.
Apparently it was really sudden. Within the hour, TMZ had said he was "rushed to the hospital," "in grave condition," and now "deceased."
Some people are creeps.
"The Wildlings are hoople-headed dirt-worshippers, Jon."
I just remembered: after Sandor Clegane's body is taken, his Hound helmet is found by Lem and Lem starts to act more "assholish" while wearing it.
In my mind, Arya will live and end up a wild queen with Nymeria, Sansa will marry some doofus and be Lady Stark of Winterfell with Brienne at her side, Jon may die heroically in battle if he isn't married to Dany after she conquers Westeros, Tyrion will live to get drunk somewhere, and everyone else is up for grabs.
I believe Asha/Yara does have an unseen husband in the books, but I'm sure the Iron Islands are open about who you fvck.
The Brotherhood split. Half of them follow "that person" and the other half are now bandits, I believe.
"By the way, Jon Snow….how exactly did my grandfather die? And does anyone know if my uncle has convinced that Targaryean to love him yet?"
"They don't call me "Davos 'the Cool Uncle' Seaworth" for nothing!"
I kind of agree with the arbitrariness of the ending. It's like they already assumed we would know about the Archer android, so the show preemptively trolled us by going in the exact opposite direction.
I imagine Archer has been doing well for FX on ratings, critical acclaim, and streaming to at least warrant an official "final" season.
From what I've read, Lapis's line "they're flirting" was overdubbed in some languages into something else.
To me, Blomkamp reminds me of the guy who did Donnie Darko, a good original idea for a sci-fi movie. Then, he went on to do Southland Tales, The Box, and then he disappeared completely.
Based upon half-watched commercials fast-forwarded through Preacher and AMC's apparently new love of horror/the supernatural, I was very surprised to find that a show titled Feed the Beast is merely about restaurants.
The Giant Machine and Andre the Giant can't be the same person!