For years I've heard there was supposed to be a film biopic of Gorgeous George. It's probably been stuck in developmental hell for as long.
For years I've heard there was supposed to be a film biopic of Gorgeous George. It's probably been stuck in developmental hell for as long.
Watch out which leagues want to hire you. There are some pretty odd fetish websites out there.
I figure that everyone who's an over main event level face that's not Roman Reigns or John Cena will be turned to prevent them from overshadowing Reigns & Cena.
As a counterpoint, I think that as long as the (Bullet) Club is still getting its footing in front of WWE fans, they and AJ are always going to be intertwined. The "blow off" of AJ no longer wanting to be with them seemed incredibly rushed to me, and I suppose this week's episode makes it obvious why. The whole thing…
That may be a bit too clever for Erlich.
Hey, from what we've seen, Jared doesn't give the ladies time to sleep with him. He's like a machine - in and out.
The "tabs vs. spaces" argument (and Richard's reaction to it) kinda seemed too Big Bang Theory to me. Richard's an insufferable asshole, yes, and was told to be more assholish from Erlich, but still, he's not a cartoon.
I honestly forgot about Jamie threatening to catapult Edmure's kid. I also saw that as Jamie purposefully being over the top with that threat.
Eh, it's not like Walder doesn't have dozens of other daughters and granddaughters.
I kind of disagree. I think LSH is farther and farther from happening. After all, in the last ten episodes, we've had Jon Snow, Benjen "Coldhands" Stark, and Gregor "Ser Robert Strong" Clegane all raised from the dead. Having a fourth might come across as overkill to viewers.
I think the Queen of Thorns realized that — at that moment — the Tyrell/Lannister plan wasn't going to work. I'm not a great strategist, but sending armed men to kill Sparrows right after the king and queen have just announced their fealty to the High Sparrow and gotten the smallfolk on the High Sparrow's side would…
"Attach the Stone of Triumph!"
The Waif's not terribly fascinating; she doesn't even have a real name. She's as "henchman" as henchmen could be and only exists to push Arya's training forward.
I still kinda wish Ian McShane was cast in that role. I'm sure he'll be a fine Elder Brother, but I think he would be great terrifying Sam.
That's Batman.
Based upon American Pie, I always assumed a MILF is someone who is old enough to have a child your age or old enough to be embarrassed by how "sexy" his/her mom is.
The Mr. Rompes/clown storyline still hasn't paid off, aside from us knowing that Alan Shapiro was behind it. I don't think we know why he did it, either, do we?
In the first, it appears we've finally gotten a glimpse at Lapis being a single Gem trying to make it in the big city with the help of her wacky roommate.
So, Lapis Lazuli is a mass produced gem. Good to know.
Great, now I will never not hear Peridot as Zim.