
I think it would have been great if every True Detective season was a riff on a type of detective story. Season 1 was the "Southern Gothic" one, season 2 was the "Hollywood noir," season 3 could have been something else. I think that's what Pizzolatto was trying to do, but the whole thing fell apart after how much

Oddly enough, I kept !!! in my iTunes library for a long time mainly because their self-titled album kinda screws with the alphabetization process.

Cena was popular with the marks and smarks for a while, though. It was only in recent years that he leveled out into the 50/50 for/against him status. Reigns never had that time when he was beloved by fans.

Dearest Friend Nudeador,

Plus, even if he gets over with 51% of the fans, the remaining 49% will still have animosity toward Reigns for him being shoved down their throats. The Reigns well has been poisoned and I don't know if it can be fixed.

The big picture take is desperately needed. A lot of recappers are more focused on the segment-to-segment flow and not about where the show is going. Honestly, I sometimes can't see the forest for the trees, so it's nice there's a place where I'm reminded of that.

I had this really great essay prepared regarding the releases of Cody Rhodes and Adam Rose, but I can't remember it exactly so pardon if this doesn't make as much sense as I'd like for it to:

Sansa needed Littlefinger alive so he could show her all the warp pads he has around Westeros that allow him to travel so quickly.

I was really hoping Ian McShane was going to be Randyl Tarley. Just imagine poor Sam living under that and you'd totally understand his character.

To be fair, the show finished the Kingsmoot story in five minutes when GRRM needed 100 pages.

I don't think Ned knew what he was doing was a sacrifice until he did it. He thought Renly or Stannis would take the crown after Cersei was exposed and Robert dead and he fully expected to be congratulated for flushing out the traitorous Lannisters.

I dunno. It seemed incredibly obvious to me that something was up. They kept having her phone in frame, so I naturally assumed the reporter was on the other end when he vented to the PR rep and that's how the reporter would hear everything. After all, who has a reporter wait in another room while the CTO gets his

That does seem odd. The only thing he really learned from Bloodraven was that the Children of the Forest created the White Walkers. I guess that's important, but not nearly as important as stopping the White Walkers!

Meera: "I'm one day until retirement. I'm going to name my yacht "Hodor" and sail around the world."

There was an unnecessary shot of a woman's boobs, so you would think it would average out.

Fvck you Meera Reed for thinking you deserved to live more than Hodor.

Hodor :(

I really thought that the obvious, unoriginal joke would be that Mr. Bunting had slept with all the students but they were supporting him anyway. I'm glad something much weirder happened for the punchline.

I have a question about DD3: part of Ana Navarro's background involved her being on The View. Barbra Walters is probably the most famous host of The View. Isn't that a gimmie then?

It's worth arguing the answer for DD1: is "witchcraft" and "Wiccian" the same thing? I said "Wiccian," which seems to be the proper name for "witchcraft-related serious religions."