
Yep, all of this. Trapping someone and penetrating them with a foreign object is RAPE, full stop. Also, we’re supposed to believe that there were incidents involving “racial undertones” perpetrated by this same asshole but that this one horrible act was NOT racially motivated? Fuck that.

I love the name Ximena! We talked about it for our kid. Also Xochitl, which would REALLY get mangled. We went a totally different direction....her name is Alice.

It really is the worst. Very, VERY glad to be rid of mine, too!

Yeah, that’s possible. Or maybe it’s a regional thing. In any case, the way I say (and hear) the word “lose” it rhymes with “news”. “Booze”, to me, rhymes with “shoes’. And “news” and “shoes” almost rhyme, but not quite. Wish I remembered more from that linguistucs class I took once upon a time so I could more

I live in the SF Bay Area (Oakland) and if you can swing a ticket AND would have the option of staying somewhere else I would do it. I think that part is really important...you need an out and some options if things don’t go swimmingly.

Hate to break it to you, but as a teacher I only have to take a 60 minute online course (I’m in CA...I’m sure different states vary), so this bill requires stylists to get the same type of training that I do. And I work with elementary school kids and am a mandated reporter.

Not sure if there’s a difference in how it’s handled through the ER versus being admitted to the hospital (in California, anyway). I’m sure at least some of it us dependant on the situation. When I went in to the ER with a gallbladder attack they asked once, as a part of their normal intake, if I felt safe at home.

Uncertainty is really the hardest thing to deal with. Because there’s always a chance...and maybe this time?....

Ugh, if it’s true that 76% of people get DUI’s dropped I’ll feel extra fucked. Mine certainly wasn’t dropped, and even though it’s been nearly 10 years it’s still messing with me. When I got my current job at a school I had to jump through hoops for months explaining that my 10 year old misdemeanor DUI charge wouldn’t

Uh, “lose” is the correct word, but it certainly doesn’t rhyme with “booze”, at least not the way I (or anyone I know) says those

Ugh, I really hear you on wanting a younger sibling for your youngest! Mine are also two years apart (9 yo son and 7 yo daughter) and her desire for a younger sibling was the strongest around sges 5-6. I’m sure some of it was because a lot of kids in her peer group were welcoming younger siblings around that time.

Ummm.....no one said anything remotely like that. The OP said that it’s bringing up these emotions (totally understandable) and that at the same time she’s happy for these people. Where do you get that she (or other posters) are suggesting that pregnant women not enjoy their pregnancies??

I feel you. I have two kids and always REALLY, REALLY wanted a third. I didn’t have infertility issues, but I had to undergo an ermergency hysterectomy three years ago at the age of 34. It was devastating. Shortly thereafter my best friend got pregnant with her third and it tortured me. Worse, she was very unsure

Jesus. I hate that even in the presumably more progressive larger city you had to show the receipts. Kudos to you for doing what needed to be done to make it out. I admire your courage. Take care.

Glad that you took that in the spirit I intended! After I typed it I was afraid it sounded snarky or nitpicky. :)

I’m glad that you’re out of that relationship.

THIS. So much. My situation isn’t exactly analagous because I look pretty WASPY despite being Jewish (and my grandparents, who raised me, were Polish Holocaust survivors with deeply-ingrained self-hatred...I need ALL the therapy). I also happen to be married to a Mexican man.

Ha, same. I’m in Oakland. So weather is....pretty much the same, with a little more rain. It’s supposed to be in the 30's tomorrow and people are FREAKING. OUT.

Congrats! That’s HUGE.

Samesies. Up, down, all around...doesn’t matter. I’ve had issues with opiates/benzos and coke. But weed? Eh. Whatever.