Ev - Been Grey So Long it Looks like Black to Me

“Frances McDormand is here. Frances, can I just say, I love you. You are the only person in this room that I would save in a fire.” -Amy Poehler, speaking for me. 

Q: How do know if someone is in a poly relationship?

And I’m really exhausted with people using his mental illness as a defence. I have a mental illness. It doesn’t change my politics or beliefs. I does change the way I express them.

Yeah, you don’t get to speak for others who live with mental illness though. My bipolar mother in law pulled off her finger nails when she stopped her meds.

He was definitely mid-breakdown. Bipolar mania isn’t like being drunk, it doesn’t “reveal” your true thoughts or anything. It literally makes your thoughts run wild and the things you say crazy.

Harry Caray, or Harry Carey?

Is that how it works? It’s completely bizarre that they’re citizens who can’t vote as long as they stay on the island, yet can the minute they move across the water.

Samantha Bee’s look? Also inspired by watching a lot of 90's MTV News’ Tabitha Soren.

I totally agree. And also seems like a genuinely nice person, and, hey, if the kindness is a façade, I will take it over cattiness, any day. #TeamKim.

Geez, he was hot.

This a call back to Kanye saying Bush doesn’t care about black people. It’s a joke.

See: Brick in Cat on a Hot Tim Roof for the best example of that “peaked early- be a drunk by 35" syndrome.

Right? And calling it the nuclear option!!

I love how most people are putting up pictures of themselves looking cute at prom, with kittens, in their cheerleading outfits, hugging their Mom, at a fricking beauty pageant - going ‘oh, I was so awkward and fugly!’. And everyone goes ‘Aw, so cute.’

She has her flaws, but good Lord, this vile orange piece of human garbage is intolerable!

Get out of here with that adult thinking!

Democrats, rather than enjoying watching Republicans crash and burn their dangerous healthcare repeal bills, are apparently validating whiny Republicans by drafting a compromise bill behind-the-scenes.

The initial reason for the whole grey until proven otherwise were those trolly rape pics and videos, which haven’t showed up in years. And yet there are people (like me and I’m assuming you) who have been commenting throughout the years, yet are perpetually stuck in the greys. I don’t have the bandwidth to comment

seriously? you’re literally the first ‘psychiatrist’ I’ve seen espouse this slippery slope/animal dependency issue. For CPTSD and other severely abused people, these animals are the only connection to another living thing they’re likely to form in their lives. Building trust with any living creature has been shown to