Sounds like shades of Breaking the Waves- which I hated with a passion.
Sounds like shades of Breaking the Waves- which I hated with a passion.
Ok. Fuck Daren Aronofsky for this wankfest male privilege masturbatory bullshit of a movie.
What makes this shitstain even worse is that there is a good horror film to be made from this material - but this isn’t it.
It sucks so bad I am astonished anyone greenlit it in 2017. And I’m really pissed off that Jennifer…
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you can’t call it a duck because calling something a duck is worse than walking around with a yellow beak and quacking all the fucking time.
This sounds like such a Florida story (North Florida to be exact).
Oh god, yes. I think it was ad infinitum that said Elizabeth Warren became the left’s Canadian girlfriend this election cycle.
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sick of hearing, “I’m not sexist. I would have voted for a woman, just not THAT woman.”
Here’s Daphne Oram, years before Eno and Tangerine Dream, doing her thing:
Solidarity among employees worked. What a concept.
You’re a weak person who should stay out of cities, then.
oh wow. Now I can’t unsee the resemblance.
They couldn’t afford Amy- which is a goddess damn shame.
The young man who looks like he’s about to faint in his chair gives me life.
saying Bennett may have been involved in a fight at a Vegas casino on the evening in question
wishing FLA the best for the weekend. 538 had this somber post today
The real tragedy here is the lack of a statement necklace.
Grade A: Golden Color and Delicate Taste
you only need to do it with one agency, they are required by law to notify the other two
I was there during Kristina, I have very fond memories of Chris Kyle and I shooting looters from atop the Superdome. Good times.
Was that before or after Bowling Green? I get my made-up tragedies confused sometimes.
Remember Hurricane Kristina?