There’s also the silent scourge of demented olds darting in front of carfuls of kids, which seems to be on the rise - yet the media says nothing! Conspiracy by Big Ambulance?
There’s also the silent scourge of demented olds darting in front of carfuls of kids, which seems to be on the rise - yet the media says nothing! Conspiracy by Big Ambulance?
EXACTLY! You get it! How are so many people without compassion when they and their van are in crisis?
y’all are clearly haters.
Whoa, whoa! Be fair: they clearly stated that some demented old bat just “walked right out” (possibly even waltzed!) in front of their car and DEVASTATED their babies and Adam-who-was-driving, when the VAN (they don’t say *they,* mind you; it was the van) hit her!
Their vehicle is[/was] not drivable - and they are…
It’s the “for other reasons” and Jane-Luc Picard’s post, below, about running around announcing it that makes the difference. If there weren’t guys who didn’t genuinely like smart, strong women, half the chicks I know would be celibate.
(omg, why have you kept calming manatee from me all this time? IT IS EVERYTHING!)
bingo. see also: organ selling.
(I was so ready to worship We Have Always Lived in the Castle after THoHH, but... didn’t. I was surprisingly underwhelmed, and I’m not a horror junky at all, so didn’t need it to be skeery... Should I go re-read on principle, or is there an Idiot’s Literary Companion that would be helpful first?)
I’m so conflicted, because I am a proponent of good sleep, but the above comment is not overstating the case. That book is amazing.
IF BY “BEST,” YOU MEAN “MOST TERRIFYING,” THEN OMG: YES. I will not sleep with that book in the house (seriously).
(I’ve read the book [”then whose hand was I holding?” ::shudders::], and seen the first movie - which is good/scary, but not at all in the same way. It had lots of SURPRISE! horror film shriek-y moments,…
see, I feel like that’s different, though. Unless you live in a brand new building, you’re ALWAYS going to live in a place people died in - some peacefully, some horribly - and it’s not really gonna make much difference.
There’s still some weird-ass phenomena out there, though, that doesn’t necessarily map on to…
This is bad, what you do!
omg, seriously! now they have their own feelings and agency. aieeeeeeee!
omg, this is horrific. please bring a friend when you visit. buddy system!
Those are still working for me, thanks/damn you.
omg, wait what? Jason Momoa in glasses? This is a disturbing game-changer... [I have a *thing* for guys in glasses, even barely-attractive ones. I am not emotionally ready to handle that. Will go find smelling salts before googling.
In the meantime, please enjoy this image of him and his batshit hot wife from…
wtf??? I had never heard that. That is fucking horrifying
This is making me cry
That is not random - Slovenian pastries are *awesome* and Italy is literally next to Slovenia [yes, I know: Vatican city blah blah, but same thing], so I’m sure the pope would be pretty familiar with them by now.
Man, I am so late to this party, but I am not leaving anytime soon.
(Also, is it just me, or does he look like a young [how-I-always-secretly-kinda-wanted-Nick-Cave-to-look?)