Eustache Dauger

Come’on, guys. He’s only a fucking Nazi skidmark some of the time! Why can’t we just focus on the occasions where he isn’t proving he’s human garbage? /s

Oregon Trail.

We’re also to accept that, like Trump, he’s not a bigot despite his bigoted comments and behavior.

What does his inability to control other people have to do with him waiting a month and a half to comment on this? He still has total control of his own actions. He chose to ignore the problem. Like he always does.

Ditto. I once had a neighbor with a particularly troublesome outdoor cat. Then came the owl. Then the screams fading into the night. Then peace.

Meh. DiCaprio was only in one of the originals. Same with Dee Wallace, Billy Zane, and Angela Bassett. Mann was in all 4.

I notice a distinct lack of Terrence Mann.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Little Monsters was Night Breed for kids.

It’s a good name for a citrus beverage, though.

You don’t need to use an already bad situation as an opportunity to project strength and authority, either. That makes you a prick.

“I know we’ve had to reschedule this meeting. Thank you for going with the flow.”

She gives off a strong Granny Goodness vibe.

The same can be said of High School aged kids. And College. Really anyone after puberty but before life crushes their spirit.

No mention of the “Huge Retarded Duck” storyline from Hellboy Junior #2?


Now playing

I’ve had that stuck in my head since before I could walk.

Now playing

I’ve had that stuck in my head since before I could walk.

As it ran towards me I thought it was being friendly so I said ‘What’s Up, Skip?’

Wow. You found twice as many as I did.

1 Banana, 2 Banana, 3 Banana, 4 Nights at Fleegle’s.