You need to enhance the community with pawn shops and payday loan places so the locals can afford it when you put in the race track and strip bars.
Green Goblin is far too generous. He’s more like Sentinel. Not a Marvel Sentinel, either. The Image Sentinel. The one that was Rob Liefeld’s blatant attempt to make his own Iron Man, but it came out all desperate and pathetic.
How obscene is it that he could have helped years ago but he ignored it until he was in desperate need of good publicity?
Mail her 2,000 pennies.
Your first post:
SSaD said the place refuses to bring it to the door. Not the driver (or, more likely, drivers). I didn’t invent a boss. It was always there.
If their boss says they are supposed to bring it to the door of the building, and they bring it to the door of the building, they did complete the delivery that they are paid to complete. The fact that you want it brought to the door of your apartment doesn’t matter. They did as much as they were paid to do. Demanding…
It is terrible customer service. I certainly wouldn’t order from them. But I’m not entitled enough to demand they bend to my will or dickish enough to blame the delivery guy for doing the job the way his boss told him too. I’ll die on my dumb hill and you can die in your douchey sinkhole.
They get to decide what service to sell, you get to decide whether you want to buy it. If they only want to bring it to the building instead of into the building, and you don’t think that’s good enough, go somewhere else. If you order from them knowing what their policy is, you are getting exactly the service you paid…
The customer didn’t hire you. The customer can’t fire you. The customer doesn’t set policy. The customer isn’t the boss. You’re paying for whatever they’re selling. You don’t want 80% delivery, don’t buy it. But the delivery guy doesn’t work for you. You don’t decide what his job is. He’s not going to risk his job so…
When the boss says stay by the car, they’re doing the job they’re being paid to do. You aren’t the boss. You’re the customer. If you don’t know the difference, you overpaid for your education.
That’s true of almost anything. Blenders, toasters, cars, power tools, etc... The built-to-last one from a half century ago will be better than the priced-to-move one from last week. Brand names don’t enter into it. Get an Oster from the 60s and you’d see the same thing.
They’ve known since at least 1977.
I’m going off of SSaD’s own reasoning. They reckon it saves the driver time, just not enough to matter. I reckon it matters when taken as a whole, and SSaD is just incapable of seeing beyond their own delivery. Whether SSaD’s estimation is accurate is irrelevant to whether they’re thinking about anything other than…
That egotism really shines through in this section.
He’s got the perfect face for it. Assuming, of course, the look he was going for was “kindergartner who is crying because the kid in front of him got the last chocolate milk”.
They don’t even look good. They bring nothing to the table. They are to wrestling what my boss’ idiot godson is to my job. They are actively damaging to everything being done, but they have an ‘in’, so they aren’t going anywhere. All you can do is leave the room when they’re around.
My interpretation of their statement: