I don’t like them either. Too many choices. It takes forever to make a proper suicide.
I don’t like them either. Too many choices. It takes forever to make a proper suicide.
The swelling has gone down since he went to rehab.
Meet the Diddler
“According to the Guardian, she writes that she felt “a growing realization that Donald Trump was no longer going to pay her to pretend that he is not indeed a racist, a bigot and a misogynist.”
Fucktard cop Former Fucktard cop Once and Future Fucktard cop
“It sucks even more when you’re using Microsoft Edge” is a rider that could follow any statement.
If your knife is turning big pieces into little pieces, you aren’t doing it wrong.
Left-handed beef is rare. Sinisteer are hard to find.
I usually advise people to not take my advice. I’m not sure how I should go about following that one.
“I like Mike!” he added, apparently referring to Michael Jordan.
Goats are oddly charming. They are also complete bastards. They are like cats that are too dumb to be pompous.
So Tennessee won’t elect Jerry Lawler, but they will elect his dentist. Weird.
Here’s his inaugural address.
Well, goats are nature’s presidents.
It never ceases to amaze me how eager people are to out themselves as imbeciles.
Have you seen how high old men wear their pants? Atomic is the only way to escalate that situation.
Line cutting is childish. Childish offenses deserve childish punishments. I’d suggest an atomic wedgie, in this case.