Eustache Dauger

The one with the laser storms and the island resort/secret laboratory.

I didn’t think you were attacking anything. It just reads like you are defending the practice of having groceries delivered. It seemed odd since nobody has taken issue with that. Not here, anyway.

Maybe I could have tried harder to not be rude. It’s sometimes difficult to tell whether the tone you are writing something in matches the tone it will be read in. I’m not sure why you’re offended by my words but seemingly not the words of the person who insulted you, but I really did simply find it curious. Sorry.

I had a recurring dream for 15 years that was weirdly specific. It turned out to be an episode of Otherworld that I’d seen as a toddler. If I hadn’t caught a rerun on the Sci Fi Channel it would probably still be driving me insane.

I wasn’t trying to be rude. I’m just astounded. There’s really no other movie that even vaguely fits the description of this one. It always turns up. I just went to another computer (so that my prior searches wouldn’t skew the results) and googled “mystical animatronic fantasy movie ninjas” and the second result was

So if child support comes out of a government paycheck, is that kid now a government employee? Where an employee’s money goes has nothing to do with the employer. I’ve already addressed the other half of your argument.

Grammar is for Nazis.

No. Because I’m contrarian. It’s my nature.

Super Mario Bros. I was so happy to not see Toad. It was a real “orange you glad I didn’t say banana?” moment.

Really? I just googled “kangaroo martial arts movie” and this was every result on the first page. Except one. And that one was “Warriors of Virtue 2: Return to Tao”.

Why are you defending something nobody is attacking?

Our true nature is to be fundamentally contrarian. When times are bad, we work together to make them good. When times are good, we get bored and make them bad for each other. If it’s 70º, we wish it was 60º. If it’s 60º, we wish it was 70º. We make lights for the dark and shades for the light.

Which power user did they sacrifice to get the Soul Creddit?

For some reason, every time someone in the Trump administration opens their mouth I flash back to that video of Gaddafi getting stabbed in the asshole.

If you wasted a package of those tiny, delicious, powdered donuts the cop would absolutely kill you.

Every place I have ever worked that was investigated by OSHA (more than enough to be too many) has gotten two weeks notice that the inspectors were coming. Never enough time to fix the problems, but more than enough time to try to hide the problems. It was always fairly pointless. The only thing that was ever

I laugh when I do something stupid and hurt myself. Why shouldn’t I laugh when someone else does? Laughing at someones misfortune isn’t nice, but stupidity isn’t misfortune. Luck isn’t self-inflicted.

My question was whether “That is a textbook version of a first amendment issue” like skeffles claims. I never doubted that it was censorship.

But I get it, I do. If you’re just incredibly busy and have no free time whatsoever to take care of a little task like this, why should gas delivery be any sillier than, say, two-hour grocery delivery?

I’m not saying it isn’t censorship, or that the union is right, or that they have any business getting involved in this in the first place. I’m not even saying it definitely isn’t a first amendment issue. I am wondering whether the police union itself (which, in theory, exists in opposition to the government rather