Eustache Dauger

A drug dog would have made more sense in his current feud with Jeff Hardy.

Open Secret Hitler.

Well, they both have two arms, two legs, a fondness for bad suits, and resting bitch face. There are similarities.

Alastair MacTaggart sounds like a character from Gargoyles.

They’re legal because politicians don’t get bribes from government run programs. It’s the same reason there are private military companies and charter schools.

You can’t determine the Greatest Of All Time until time has run out. Something better could always come along. All we have right now is the Best Up To Today. Your mom is a BUTT.

This is one of those findings that appears to flummox researchers, although they point to possible factors like “increases in abstract thought, changes in parenting, and higher enrollment and quality of early childhood education.

“Almost literally”? That somewhat entirely makes sense.

It is when compared to shit.

I’ll have you know my little sister was perfectly capable of writing her name while peeing. I don’t know how she did it. I don’t want to know how she did it. But she did it, and her writing was more legible than mine.

And here is where I ask, why do you Canadians pronounce it “Ca-Nay-Dian” if you’re from “Ca-Na-Da”? I don’t see anyone else mispronouncing the name of their country in their demonym.

Two. Hers and Avengers 4.

I love turbulence. Love it. It’s the only part of flying that hasn’t gone to hell. It’s like a surprise roller coaster.

When did Jesse join Depeche Mode?

Cap was first. Fury wasn’t really even an Avenger. He was SHIELD. 

I somehow picture Captain Marvel donning the gauntlet. And dying. Making room for Kamala Khan.

I’m more surprised that the other criminals aren’t constantly trying to do him in. They kill all the time anyway. They might as well go after the guy who messes up their plans, gets the Bat all riled up, makes Arkham an even worse place to be, kills off henchmen like they’re an unlimited resource, etc...

Most Trump voters don’t have a “fuck you, I’ve got mine” philosophy. They have a much stupider “fuck you, I’ll get mine someday as long as nobody stops the guy who is stopping me from getting mine” philosophy.

And, like all of Texas’ contributions to the world, a Mexican did it.