Eustache Dauger

So your review is basically “we’ll never know what Lord and Miller shot” followed by dozens of “that would have been better if Lord and Miller had shot it”s?

The answer to your question is “idiocy”. Here’s a new question for you. “If this was his best idea, what were his worst ideas like?”

They aspire to be one of the stupid youtubers other youtubers read about.

In related news, Princess Morbucks has just joined Taylor Swift’s squad.

Would you prefer I said she was babysitting 1500 kids?

Yet, no Snarfs or Ro-Bear Berbils. Nothing utterly gravitas destroying that was thrown in to make the littlest kids happy. Melodrama Elmo doesn’t work any more than slapstick Blade Runner would. ThunderCats walked the line in between.

She’s fine. She’s just visiting Shelly Miscavige.

And when you think about how much cheating they’ve done, that can only mean someone else is cheating even more. “They can’t have a pair of aces! I’ve already got seven of them!”

I’m guessing you had a touch of it then, too. Most loud kids are loud because they want to be looked at.

LOTR, Mad Max, and Westworld all avoided Snarfs and Ro-Bear Berbils.

I have never heard anyone cut a piece of something and say they had a bite of it. That’s either a piece or a slice. She bit the pickle.

Now playing

In my defense, I was quite depressed to begin with and I’d had a rough day in kindergarten.

How much longer until someone from DC makes a full-on appearance somewhere?

Look the kid in the eyes and say “Everyone here hates you. Shut up.” The crying is usually quieter than the screaming.

I watched the original quite recently and disagree entirely.

The same can be said for most of the toy-driven cartoons of that era. But not Spiral Zone. That is serious business.

You can stop a car without brakes... it just takes a long time (or a very, very short time, depending on your method). I still wouldn’t say brakes have nothing to do with stopping.

It’s Thundercats. It’s a silly concept. Taking it seriously only makes it sillier. Leaning into the silliness makes it far too silly. The original knew where the middle ground was.

So you wouldn’t wear one of these, then?