Eustache Dauger

I’d rather see the sonofabitch live his lie. Beat him to death with blunt objects.

Now playing

Of course, this had come out two years earlier.

Maybe. But once they’re dry they’ll run the union. That’s what Milwaukee does, after all.

I’m going with “the Captain’s Table” when they discuss things and “the Captain Stable” when they do things.

He works for a pathologically dishonest agency under a pathologically dishonest administration and morons still believe him?

Send them to fight ISIS. Don’t give them any bullets.

Damn. I was picturing a 27 mile long, ten foot wide bed of crinkled tin foil.

I’d wager the percentage of people getting sick from free popcorn is slightly lower than the percentage of people getting sick from public drinking fountains.

Australia has had some trouble fighting the cats, and does not have an effective strategy to do so, AWC chief Attius Fleming told AFP.

Does anybody other than government bureaucrats, journalists, and a few internet commenters actually care about how companies use their data?

I can’t say it actually bothered me. It was just one of those odd things that momentarily broke my suspension of disbelief. The same thing happened to me in Civil War. I had no problem accepting almost everything no matter how crazy, but Captain America kicking a truck to the side took me right out of it for a second.

Personally, I thought Spider-Man’s was least effective. Everyone else went quickly. They got out maybe one word. Spider-Man was somehow getting out entire sentences. It made no sense to me.

OP went with x-splaining. So did I. We were discussing the concept as a whole, not as it specifically applies to gender. You started in on mansplaining specifically. I never said gender was irrelevant to the definition of mansplaining. I said gender was irrelevant to the specific conversation OP and I were having

Yeah. We only need one.

It wasn’t that long ago we had 3 separate Sherlock Holmes franchises operating at once. They were all plenty different, but there was still a lot of overlap and it was all a bit much.

When I said ‘I love Godzilla’, did you think I meant the one with Matthew Broderick? I’ve seen Japanese movies.

In my experience, other people only lose respect for you if you’re an asshole to them. The person who is being an asshole to you is almost always being an asshole to them too and they don’t care about (often even appreciate) seeing you be an asshole to the asshole. Best case scenario, the asshole whines to them about