Eustache Dauger
Now playing

Acting like a ten year old is nothing new.

“Chicago-style” is synonymous with “the worst possible”.

I did not misunderstand you. Believe me. Your thoughts aren’t deep enough to be misunderstood. And I’m often an asshole to assholes. You qualified.

Okay so you missed the entire point of what I was saying, which is that this disdain for children as if they should either not be had at all or kept in cages until they become adults is ridiculous...

Of course they were children. So were arsonists, klansmen, serial killers, and rapists. How about we treat children like children instead of the adults they might or might not become.

Children aren’t second-class citizens, and without them you’ll have no one to take care of you when you are old and need a doctor or a nurse or a housecleaner or a pilot.

Setting aside the question of who the hell ever “applauded” Apu’s “thank you, come again”s...

Jackboots don’t have straps.

Is this a zen koan?

Now playing

Tell your friend they need a portable laser and a handy volcano.

It’s a non-argument that weakens the actual argument that they have.

That particular setting is the only possible setting for a game based on Alien. The rules are the only thing that need to change. It’s pointless to even bring up the setting.

A statement by the SAJ (Société des Auteurs de Jeux, a group of French board game designers) first sounded the alarm, raising concerns that Wonder Dice’s game was built on both the setting and rules of a project designer François Bachelart had shown them years earlier.

Some people can’t throw away old love letters. Cohen can’t throw away insulting text messages from Trump.

I can easily see how nobody noticed 17,000 pieces of mail going undelivered. The post office wasn’t expecting it ever see it again and the recipients didn’t know it was coming in the first place. But how in the hell did he manage to steal 20 blue mail bags without drawing attention to himself? They tend to want those

Altruistic people will be altruistic regardless. I’m not a big fan of corporations taking credit for the volunteer work of their employees or of people allowing their good deeds to be used to give good PR to evil people.