Eustache Dauger

In all fairness, all the colors in a rainbow taste the same. You can “taste the rainbow” by drinking a glass of water.

Besides, seeing the fake names Dickie has for the popular wrestlers he’s so clearly emulated here is never not funny. Jimi Sierra for John Cena? Stunner Stu for Billy Gunn? Hanz Cuffs for the Big Boss Man? Genius.

Brave Sir Jeff Flake ran away
Bravely ran away away
When danger reared its ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled
Yes, brave Sir Jeff Flake turned about
And gallantly he chickened out
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the brave, Sir Jeff Flake

Not necessarily. It could also be bigot-speak for “I have so many racist conversations in a day that I just can’t keep track of who hated who and when”.

Nonsense. He went to the “special projects” guy. Who could possibly know more about drugs than the kid who gets all the hookers and blow?

Even if that were true (which it isn’t), he said

Trump didn’t say what was on everyone’s mind. If he said what was on your mind, it’s because you’re as horrible as he is. If the only way you can justify your opinions to yourself is to pretend like everyone else shares them, you may want to consider the possibility that you just plain suck.

The administration said 10 states have applied for waivers involving work requirements or community involvement: Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Utah and Wisconsin.

It should be noted that while he can read minds and see through solid matter, doing so gives him a migraine so he rarely bothers.

I’m not going to get my hopes up on this one. It’ll probably end up being an episode of Gotham where Alfred punches Tommy in the stomach and he pukes on little Bruce. Which would be amazing. I need to lower my hopes a little further.

Pesto and quinoa
Taking up space on a shelf where the hipsters will be
It’s like a meme.

Now playing

Goddammit. When are babies going to learn to skitter?!

This administration would be the lower mediocre group in most junior high schools.

Personally, I’d have used her mugshot.

I don’t disagree with you, but it is really hard to listen to veterinary advice from someone who refers to dogs and cats as having arms.

Why not? When you make a scale of 1-10, you always start with something shitty at 1.

The opposite of “Double Dare” is “Half Ban”.

I was the wet blanket in a similar conversation. In my case, however, I asked why they care where people who died centuries ago were living when they screwed each other.

Sometimes I like to go to and see what words are trending. Seeing what words people are looking up gives me a bit of a view into how the day has been going. “Megalomania”, “Libel”, and “Treasonous” have been drawing a lot of attention lately. I suspect there may be a common link.