Eustache Dauger
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Neither of them are anything like the real Ronald McDonald.

To me, the strangest tonal issue is hearing cops argue that vigilantes are bad because they aren’t held accountable. That’s like a wizard saying witches are bad because they do magic.

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I have USUALLY hated the Macy’s parade.

Hutsell was Jan Brady. A lot. Too much, really.

Which is why I said it was stupid to try to apply it here.

I assume they’re making the argument that the daughter wasn’t an actual party to every conversation being recorded. She was merely present. It’s incredibly stupid to apply that here, but it is an important distinction. Otherwise anyone who wanted to record anything could call themselves a consenting party.

Rocksteady looks good. The turtles aren’t exactly my taste, but I have no real complaints. Nothing wrong with different. But Bebop looks like crap. Why he looks like crap isn’t what bothers me about it. It’s just a bad design.

I just can’t fathom the logic of an emaciated warthog. Pigs are famously fat animals. It would be like having a giraffe with no neck.

The foot soldiers didn’t bother me, but Bebop looks terrible.

Sure, but usually you’d also see something like “...and did not hear back before publication”. I’m just wondering if press time has a specific meaning in online publications. I usually only see it used around the Gizmodo-sphere.

There is no specific deadline that must be met. You don’t have to get your story in before it goes to the printers (which is what press time originally meant). A deadline can be set, but “I want this by 5" isn’t the same as “I need this by 5".

... and did not hear back before press time.

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Brent Spiner getting involved in a Twitter war with Trump supporters could be what leads to “the incident”.

Would I be criticizing Charlie Chaplin if I pointed out that he and Hitler had the same mustache? Or would I just be pointing out that two very different people had one thing in common?

Every picture of him looks like he just farted and thinks no one knows it was him.