Eustache Dauger

No. I had several lazy, shitty teachers. And each one of them proved that grades are only based on academic performance if the teacher wants them to be.

In fact, Trump’s own daughter has denounced Moore’s alleged behavior, telling the Associated Press, “There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children.”

A consistent DCEU is a consistently terrible DCEU.

They summon eels and make them spell everything out like subtitles.

Yes. Many people are unethical. Even teachers.

Here’s another spoiler for you: There’s going to be credits at the end of the movie.

Grades are based on whatever the teacher feels like basing them on. My older brother was an asshole. One of his teachers was flunking him for being an asshole. After much fighting with my parents, the teacher barely passed him. A few years later I was in the same class. She was still pissed at my brother but didn’t

Quill has the Fizzy Lifting Drip?

I know about punctuation and grammar and how to conjugate a verb, about spelling of certain words, and tenses. But that’s not language, that’s just writing.

Now playing

You’re more likely to run into one on 2nd Ave.

Why do Watchmen again when this one’s just collecting dust?

That’s not a typo. Muscle Shoals has always had a problem with sex clams.

Make up your mind. Do you want the original vision or do you want a Snyder/Whedon hybrid?

“Nobody can ever be as good as Superman” would have been fine. “Everyone else working together can still never be as good as Superman” is where I have a problem. It just become Angel Summoner and the BMX Bandit at that point.

I wonder how many Moore supporters are going to misread “Reject” as “Reelect”.

I would rather they had left Superman out of it altogether. Having him show up at the last minute and chuckle his way through a fight everyone else put together were struggling with just made them all look useless. Leave him dead until Darkseid shows up.

“I provide advice to the president, he will tell me what to do,” Hyten said. “And if it’s illegal, guess what’s going to happen? I‘m going to say, ‘Mr. President, that’s illegal.’ And guess what he’s going to do? He’s going to say, ‘What would be legal?’ And we’ll come up with options, of a mix of capabilities to

They’re cool villains, and now you can merge your own technological uniqueness with theirs.

She reminds me of the type of person who once dated someone that had read a whole lot about life, but wasn’t paying much attention when they talked about it.