Euryale the Grey

Yeah, he’s obviously just lying. At that salary, his biweekly checks are more than $5k. Whatever account they get direct deposited to has to be reportable and apparently hasn’t been reported

I do wish you could source these pictures from somewhere other than Instagram. If you tell Meta not to track you all across the entire rest of the internet, every Insta link is completely borked.

You’ve got to understand, their thinking isn’t actually about life and death, it’s about sin. An adult can sin and therefore is subject to punishment up to and inclulding death, the “unborn” hasn’t had a chance to yet and is therefore “innocent” and deserves all possible protection at the expense of anyone who has

Like, is the angle here “We’re down with (the right kind of) sex, unlike those killjoy Dems who won’t even let you sexually harass your secretary anymore”

If we can’t confirm it, it’s because it’s not true. If we can confirm it, it’s because you violated HIPAA. Heads I win, tails you lose

Can we get any of these women a bodice that fits them? I’m so sick of everyone on every carpet having sad squished boobs.

Mike Fuckin’ Pence.

Hadn’t watched the trailer before - Murphy’s american accent makes him sound exactly like Kiefer Sutherland. I was like “huh, didn’t know he was in this movie!”

Is this essentially an attempt to get jurisdiction changed? like if they can get Florida to find that they didn’t traffic anybody, would that do something favorable for them in the case in Romania?

You’re thinking of agender, not nonbinary. Nonbinary just rejects the idea that there is a hard and fast line between two genders. Agender would be the rejection of all genders

Welp, looks like it’s time to start publicly discriminating against christians until they get why this is a bad idea!

Intersex conditions don’t all involve ambiguous genitalia. A lot of intersex people don’t find out that that’s their deal until much later because things looked straightforward when the person was born. Sometimes the conditions involve genitalia that is a little ambiguous, but not very. This can include things like

I always thought it was supposed to give you the skeevies. I mean, the main character is a hitman. He’s not a good person.

“We’re not gonna fix it. Criminals are going to be criminals.”

I was at Wellesley 20-odd years ago and there were definitely trans men there at the time. I mean, I guess they probably weren’t out when they applied, but admitting trans men who are already out probably wouldn’t change much. OTOH, if you’re an out trans man, I’m not entirely sure why you’d want to go to someplace

Yeah, making this about sports is even stupider than most transphobia. I haven’t heard so much as an anecdote about an actual cis boy pretending to be a trans girl to win at school sports and then when his sports career is over being like “jk!” They’ve never even bothered to make up a case of this. And of course

Surely you mean “sophmore effort”. “Sophmoric” is different. It doesn’t sound like you hated her show...

God, can you imagine being the result of one of these pregnancies? “Yeah, I spent 9 months inside a dead body. No I don’t have issues about that, why do you ask?”

I’ve seen way raunchier straight videos. These people need to get over themselves

Yeah, my understanding is that you have to be on it for the rest of your life, so I can understand why insurance wouldn’t want to cover it in order to help you drop that last 10 lbs. No way that maths out in the actuarial tables