Euryale the Grey

The guy’s given name is fucking Daystar and he goes by Tory? He is not good at names.

I wonder how much of the variation is due to provider experience. My IUD insertion was... fine. They told me to take a max dose of advil 2 hours ahead and it was uncomfortable but tolerable. In some of the horror stories I’ve heard, it sounds like some folks have gone to their GPs to get them (?) or maybe gynos, but

Yeah, like why is there so much focus on the drama of their fight? The question is whether he shot her, not why. As someone said above, she clearly didn’t shoot herself. Who cares what they were fighting about?

I keep getting the “We’ve made a difficult decision (about where to spend our campaign money and it wouldn’t be difficult if you sent us some too)“ “Due in 30 minutes!” “Disaster!” “Goodbye [name]”and “What can we do to get you to donate?” and it’s like Stop texting me every six hours for a start! “Are you sick of me

I mean, naturally skinny people do exist. She might just be one of them and not lying about her routine. I know two people who can’t keep weight on for the life of them. Not common but it does happen. Would it have been better for her not to acknowledge the question? Sure. But that response could actually just be her

Yeah, what the fuck was that statement. “this was the first we had heard about this, so it couldn’t have been real” Yeah. The *first* time someone tells you about something, there aren’t going to be supporting reports. Because that’s the first time it’s been reported. Or are you just saying you don’t do shit, no

Man, these idiots really have no idea how many fertilized eggs don’t wind up becoming babies under normal circumstances, do they?

What in the world makes you think they weren’t also pursuing action against the perpetrators? you don’t have to deny someone an abortion to prosecute incest.

Yeah, if they weren’t doing exactly this, they’d get blowback for not taking it seriously enough. This is probably the more damage-limiting way to go

I think what they mean by “deal with mental health” is “medicate people into compliance”. Because, what else are you going to do? Work through trauma? That’s some cuck shit.

I’ve seen some crazy lights up north. 15 or so years ago up in lake country one night there were just rivers of green flowing all over the sky. So cool.

the lack of predictable rules makes something like dating intimidating.

Yeah... there’s not a formula to unlock affection from other people and anybody who thinks there is is going to be disappointed.

Confidence and Emotional Availablity are often at odds with each other.

Yeah, like, they think this would increase the marriage rate?

Looms. If you know you know

How do you decide whether someone you encounter is a man or a woman? Do you ask for their birth certificate, or to look at their genitals, or to check their hormone levels or chromosomes?

Any term gets fuzzy when you try to draw the boundaries around it too strictly. The classic example in semiotics is “tree”. Good luck coming up with a definition that includes everything you think is a tree and excludes everything you think isn’t one.

Seems like the difference between what she said and what that pastor said was that he used the passive voice and she used the active voice. Interesting that that’s about all it takes.