
Gotta say, I’m surprised. That’s a pretty good view from the nosebleed section.

You should be offended. You voted for a stupid asshole. That’s dumb.

I guess someone had hyperbole on clearance this weekend, because you stocked up.

I’d imagine sometimes it’s just easier bringing a wife to Thanksgiving than your roommate.

Counterpoint: He made the shot so fuck your stats.

Hang in there, I’m sure Simmons will have a 10,000-word column up on it tomorrow.

He’s already Optimus Dime!

Post game John Wall he said he wasn’t going to let anyone come into his city and end their season. That is so awesome. And why he is my favorite D.C. athlete. No one on any of our other teams has that attitude. Go Wiz.

“Here is some extremely white shit” could also be said of every lacrosse game ever played.

He’s in the NBA. He can play basketball. He’s also a clod and a fuckboy.


Finally, somebody said it. Nobody cares about your struggles. Maybe don’t live in the antarctic.

There are anti-dog trolls now?

This liberal bias is exactly why I canceled my subscription to Deadspin. I just read all the words in the articles and comment sometimes.

“the live sports I need to.” Profiles in Courage

So if people feel that it has a medical benefit, the medical advisers have to tell you that. We have joint advisers...

I think deadspin should make more excuses for Russell Westbrook shooting 1-11 in the fourth quarter. “But he was tired”, “but his team isn’t good”, “but Kanter can’t defend”. Russell Westbrook has played hero ball in the fourth quarter all year which is the primary reason why their record is right at the bottom of the

“Too much fucking culture if you ask me”

You can say you’re from Milwaukee. That’s fine. What I don’t like is the “ I really don’t care about the Bucks.” This implies people from Milwaukee don’t care about the Bucks. Do not loop in the rest of Milwaukee with your opinion on basketball. Plenty, and I mean PLENTY, of Milwaukee residents are absolutely

It’s easy. If you look at only the uppercase letters, they spell “The payoff was not worth the small effort it took to figure this out.”