
I actually asked for Jeeb’s opinion. I approve!

There’s absolutely no chance you actually play Destiny.

I really enjoyed that a lot, and the closing animation of the darkness overtaking the departing planets was a wonderful little final touch.

I just picked up the Razer Huntsman TE a few weeks ago, which is similar to this model, just a tenkey less version so a little bigger. I opted for the “linear” switches, which correspond to the Cherry reds.

You seem fun 

I mean, I’d say that because Discord exists the solution is relatively simple: Games should stop providing their own voice chat, but allow for a means to communicate an alternate voice chat method. And if they do continue to provide in game voice chat, they should do so through a private party chat system.

I’ve been wanting something like this basically since I got my first set of Hue lights. Hopefully they get proper HDR passthrough in there at some point, because that’s 100% a deal breaker.

Since I posted this the post seems to have been pulled from deadspin dot com

Since I posted this the post seems to have been pulled from deadspin dot com

I’ve been thinking of starting a herb garden. Would love some deals on tools that might help me succeed. 

I’ve been thinking of starting a herb garden. Would love some deals on tools that might help me succeed. 

Tbf a decent commenting system would sort of be against the spirit of deadspin!

Like this one?

I can’t bear to think of a world without Deadspin.

i love good herb content

Incoming memo from corporate: STICK TO switch PORTS

Ranking candy corn so highly is a travesty, but I love this gesture. 

I feel it necessary to point out that Rovell doesn’t even work for ESPN anymore. He moved over to the Action Network. Presumably ESPN decided his market value was no longer worth what they were paying, so Darren took his likeness elsewhere in order to maximize profits on his image. 

This was such a fun read, aided in no small part due to the shared geographic location I could relate to my own formative years!

It’s glorious isn’t it? Welcome!

Well now I’m very sad 😔