
In 2017, I believe we call this sort of tone “presidential.”

He is having an unbelievable season. He had 19 boards tonight btw.

St. Louis wouldn’t want an NBA team because it would be too many black players.

Great article. Expanding on your point about why certain fans fetishize defense: defense is commonly associated with effort while offense is commonly associated with natural talent. Neither is true of course. But this allows fans the conceit (and resulting feeling of moral superiority) that they would get more out of

For guys who don’t care about defense, you’re awful goddamn defensive about this MVP thing.

I am consistently amazed how Spurs fans are able to get away with being the Cardinals fans of basketball

Honestly, I’m surprised Kawhi’s suddenly the guy people are putting up against Westbrook rather than Harden, who’s having a nutso season statistically. 29-7.8-11.3 (leading the league in assists while scoring 29 a night!) is fucking crazy and his team’s playing really well.

“there’s only two reasons a 40-year old man should be wearing a hat backwards. He’s a professional sniper or he’s giving his buddy a blowjob.”

The biggest frustration for the Mets and their fans has been, after all this time and effort, Tebow’s continued refusal to go past 2nd base.

Tebow, by contrast, looks exactly like someone who learned how to hit by looking really intensely at a pile of baseball cards and working backwards from there.

Win Shares: Westbrook 9.7, Leonard 11.3, and Harden 12.4

Funny, Javaris Crittenton once threatened to shoot the Wizards’ playoff hopes to death.

Forget racism; the logic behind that paragraph is so frighteningly dumb that this man should not be a paid writer.

Really makes my dad’s favorite way to threaten me, “I’ll hit you so hard your great grandkids will feel it,” seem way more fucked up.

Marcelo Huertas is from Brazil. Where they speak Portugese.

Plot twist: That’s not his kid.

Understated, yet so good.

I truly needed that calm Brit to politely guide me through the proceedings. Let’s all be thankful El Niño is stable, and that Ray Hudson wasn’t doing the color commentary (“...a tragisteeeeerial collision!”).