
This guy is the last person who should be concerning himself with bathroom choices since I can't imagine a single person would want to be in one with him

I hear the 1980 Olympics were pretty popular in the States.

It isn’t really misplaced priorities, no more than any sort of exclusive, hard to get into school would be.

Riley’s intimidation tactics need to kept in check. She’s well on her way to a life of crime.

This is going to sound callous, but Kimbo Slice dying right after Ali is kind of like having your birthday on Christmas.

This seems super likely.

I know y’all hate Bill Simmons around here, but he literally called this on his podcast in early April, an episode with Chuck Klosterman.

This is solid kinja. Not great, not amazing, but really solid. Solid work!

Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Fruit Loops are god tier. Everything else can diaf for all I care.

We must have time travelers among us; I figure the only people who like The Crow exist only in 1994-95. That movie is terrible.

I’ve kind of found the coop souls rewards for beating bosses a bit lacking, to be honest. Running the whole level is a better experience.

I think I heard it from Northernlion first, but I’ve taken to calling Vordt “Borat”.

Pyro is really nice, that’s what I’m playing now. Since it demands both INT and FTH, I end up dabbling in some lower level sorceries and miracles based on situation.

Ah, gotcha. That makes sense.

I’m jealous! I have yet to be summoned as a Blue Sentinel :(

There’s definitely something to be said about running through an area solo first and only summoning in help later on if things get dicey or you just want to re-run thing w/ a bro.

Have you tried a raw infusion on your melee weapon? Raw isn’t actually useless like it’s been in the past and should at least turn your weapon into more than just a decoration.

Really the main thing is that it’s risk free souls. You keep what you earned and pop up back in your game where you were, even if you failed in your mission.

This is pretty easily solved by not dropping your summon sign down. Once you do, it’s not really your business to judge their decision to summon you. You’re just going out of your way so you have an opportunity to feel contempt for someone else.

Are we certain that Pat Conlan is an actual person and not, say, a corgi napping on a keyboard who shifts around whenever he hears “You’ve got mail!”?