
Will the ebook be available through Amazon US or just UK?

I think the seriousness of your reply is a bit at odds with the silliness of my comment :)

Woah there, I dunno if this justifies the electric chair! Easy there with the capital punishment, Joe.

You're a lunatic. Plenty of men sit. Source: Me

That Miley dress is hot fire. Daaaaaaamn!

Albert, I'm ready to turn in a Simmonsian length think piece on why KD won't be a Wizard next year. Keep an eye on your inbox, bud!

This take is best take.

Let the Armenian play!

“I think it’s pretty clear that no defensive scheme is going to turn the Warriors into the Wizards in any case.”

Epic username!

He took one step after picking up his dribble. How the hell is that “clear”?


Straight Outta Crumlin just doesn't have the same ring to it.

That’s the theatrical release. The extended edition is likely to clock in at 15 to 25 hours, mostly of slow motion footage of the Gardai jumping.

Because it is fun?

This reply is everything. Thanks for saying all that!

H2H’s are a bad idea if you’re not “going pro” or whatever. They’re fun against friends and such, but you’re gonna lose your lunch money that way.

I loved this plot point in Inglorious Basterds.

Careful bringing up the Biyombo. Raptors fans have zero chill when it comes to their boy.

Is that why you're a former and not current high school basketball coach?