Europa Squared

You want to hear the funny part? His next wife hasn’t even been born yet.

As stock?

It’s a manual. It’s a wagon. It’s RWD. It looks to be rust free. It doesn’t have AC. It has an awesome sounding stupid motor installed that will make you want to climb every gear to it’s peak. It’s JDMerific.

Cars and Coffee mild loss of control with no impact: “ZOMG WAT A FUCKIN IDIOT”

The reason Dave advocates paying cash, and you did not touch on it from what I can see by skimming your article, is that it is too easy to get trapped by financing. “We can get you into a new car at the same payment”, “Its only $20 more than you are paying now”. But, you are re-upping for a new term.

Let them rebuild by way of unparalleled beauty.
Let them rebuild by way of shocking ingenuity.
Let them rebuild by way of simple creativity.
Let them rebuild by way of tactile feedback.

Let them rebuild every time the seals bite the dust.
Let them rebuild. Always rebuild.

yeah see this is the problem;

But when you have a guy let you cut in heavy traffic

I’m big on doing the thumbs up/down to people the way Gladiator did it

Dear Ralph Gilles,

Late C4s are amazing. Early C4s make babies cry.

Kawasaki H2R.

Turbo Hayabusa. If you are still alive after a month you can ride anything.

What?! This is not funny at all. This is just reckless. My goodness, if that is not a self driving car then what are you suggesting? You mean to tell me someone is inside of that cockpit making rational judgments about where and when to turn, accelerate, and overtake? What are you a barbarian?! This type of behavior

Kanye west was getting some Kanye rest so that he can go on tour at his Kanye best. Not in his Kanye nest, but still flying Kanye West. Torchinsky was next to him and that’s not a Kanye jest. Now normally Kanye’s in his Kanye Vest. Embroidered impeccably with his Kanye Crest. But this is something he keeps close to

I just saw this on Kanye’s blog:

I’m sure there will be lots of hate on the wing. Personally, I like wings. Wings are awesome when they are functional because then they mean real racing.

I don’t know, the only giant bureaucracy that’s more incompetent than General Motors is the Fedral Government.