It was on...its natural state is broken.
It was on...its natural state is broken.
obviously because it’s one less thing to fix/break...which it does...a lot.
I left 7th fleet about two and a half years ago and I gotta say, all this dumb shit the chinese are doing does not make me envious of the amount of GQ/Strike/Sonar drills that our sailors must presently be doing over there. Yet...somehow I miss it, accounting doesn’t really fill that void.
It’s become an epidemic how we just throw the word ‘sexy’ around like it has no meaning. Honestly, would you throw that shit-box into the same category as an E-Type or a Muira? Would you throw Amy Schumer into the same category as Kate Upton? NO! Words have meaning, use them appropriately.
I realize that all the cars on the list are modern/newish, but dear god how did this not make it? I question your man parts for adding a Dodge Neon SRT Fiat Abarth and not this:
yeah, but he isn’t that good looking either...maybe it’s been a while for him.
Keep in mind, Dave is preaching to the masses, so I get the blanket statements, even though I prefer to deal on a more case by case basis. Truth is most people are morons when it comes to cars and even more so when it comes to their finances. One of the points in paying cash is that it teaches discipline, you learn to…
So let me get this straight. You were in (South) Jersey and you expected someone to care? Come on Doug, you’re smarter than that.
It’ll fail because when I look at it all I can think is that it looks like tweety bird, and that’s not attractive.
You are a contract killer and you are trying to carry out a hit on a human person
This kind of hit home for me, I was stationed over in Japan for what could have been the best three and a half years of my life. While snowboard shopping in Shibuya, I stopped in the shop next door that sold books and magazines and happened to run across some copies of this magazine. I ended up buying one for my dad…
I deal with people that drive with their high beams on by slowing down until the pass me(yes, even on freeways). Sometimes the speeds decrease to 15 mph. This isn’t always safe, I know, but I think it’s more legal than murder. Also, people that speed up the minute you throw your signal on to get over, yeah, those f**k…
it's the round butt vs square butt, makes all the difference in the world
no, because no pop-up headlights...but that's literally the only reason.
While i enjoyed this comment, i am going to grammar-nazi it. “think of the children dick” vs “think of the children, dick”. and now i’m going to go finish my coffee.