NASCAR . . . on Cinemax after dark.
NASCAR . . . on Cinemax after dark.
“Whatever the hell they want. Just like this shit you would draw on your desk in the 4th grade.”
Parking Brakes don’t hold for shit in reverse on a ramp.
Chevrolets are more reliable than Hondas and Toyotas???
Don’t forget to store it in a black shipping container in Phoenix for at least one summer.
That’s my fucking son you’re talking about, bud.
There go my plans to get one on the used market. These things are gonna stay expensive FOREVER.
Yeah, CP even if it came with a CoA, the engine block signed by the entire cast, a lifetime supply of paper, and a pair of Jenna Fischer’s used underwear.
Even though F1 is the peak of automotive engineering, I’m sure if I disassembled an F1 car and put it back together I would have 3 or 4 bolts/nuts/fasteners leftover that weren’t needed, just based on my history working on my own cars.
I mean anything is possible...
You have a couple more months to submit it for a Pulitzer.
The quote Jeremy Clarkson (but he was talking about the Audi TT), “The previous model was just a cow in a tracksuit. The new version is a Cow GTI, in racing overalls.” The point is the new one is a hell of a lot better.
Wow. Damn. So yeah, super not going to pay an extra 10 grand for a robot to remove my targa top (especially since the robot will probably break soon and be impossible to repair).
When pigs fly.