
its 2014! for goodness sake - the way you understand the world and faminism is allowed to change!!!!! we grow every day.

But how would you explain Maeve being in current “mode” for about 2 Years? Does this mean Man in Black has been there for 2 Years trying to find maze?

I was convinced that someone has told me- Nicholas Hoult is going out with Kristen Stewart...

Will never forget the day when he was rubbing my shoulder while talking to me... At that time all I had in my head was: this is really awkward but keep doing it!

hmmm not so sure though. He is neighbour of mine for past year and even though I haven’t been hanging out with him, my other neighbours/friends have (they all are very lovely people) and no one ever has mentioned him being a meany

i feel like video was about running and rolling

I am pretty sure that in London its the same situation. Creeps love riding tubes