
Reporter: “Mr. Musk, we have evidence that you exposed yourself to a flight attendant a few years ago, and paid her off to keep quiet.”

The vast majority of the content they put out is d grade or lower. You don’t see reporting about, and most people don’t notice most of what they put out. They released over 100 films in 2021, not counting feature length documentaries.

I won’t bother watching this movie because I went through college studying the environment and climate change. It’s depressing and there’s no way that we can stop it. It’s wildly optimistic of people thinking that we can limit our emissions to like whatever degree of warming that is “acceptable.”

In an alternate

I think the reason so many of us aren’t really talking about climate change is because we’re fucking tired and hopeless. We’ve reached the point the characters reach in the final act - we’ve talked, we’ve advocated, we’ve “raised awareness,” we’ve supported politicians we thought would do something, and we’ve realized

That sounds plausible.

Take a look at the top 20 box office hits of the 80s and 90s and you’d be shocked at the diversity of genres of movies that populate them that would be so unlikely now, more so adjusted for inflation.

Yeah, but the funny thing is: nobody gives a shit.

I’ve not seen a blockbuster movie in many years. I just don’t care to see the things that are made now. And the way movies are edited now, in very short scenes lasting only a second or so, gives me a headache.

It’s going to take a global takeover and some near-fascist levels of enforcement in order to curb human activity in the necessary way to fix the planet. Let's just hope they're nice. Benevolent Global Fascist Party 2032!

I wouldn’t say we’re all screwed, just a significant portion of us. It will end up in a shift of living/habitable locations with more benign climate change impacts, a shift which will favor the already rich and/or privileged. The masses and the poor will suffer, and there will be wars over resources.

At least when someone has posted a video of the end of humanity on socialmedia, we will finally have definitive proof climate change is real! It’s a shame it will get no views do.

Sooo, who’s going to be the one to break it to Musk that

A contract is a contract is a contract; school teacher or A-list actor. She likely took significantly less money up front to collect a % of the gross profits on the back end. Disney’s strat likely fucked her over. Sure, she doesn’t need the money but stuff like this is how other people don’t get screwed over later

But it also sets a precedent for studios to dick about with contracts like this in future. It’s probably better an actress with clout like Scarlet does it now where it’ll actually get attention.

I love how every time a studio fucks up a movie/show/franchise and gets a negative reaction from the fan base it’s “review bombing” and “angry nerds” and “misogyny” etc. Smith flat out said that it was a He-Man show about He-Man, and it was made for the OG fans. This is of course the same guy that said in the past

Why does EVERYTHING have to be video?  It’s already impossible to sit in a waiting room or at an airport gate without someone blasting the audio on their phone.  What ever happened to people sitting quietly and just reading an article or browsing through photos?  Is that too hard?

I agree. As noted, the Pentagon has admitted some sightings of UAP are true. So why wouldn’t science sites treat the topic as credible? Things were observed, don’t know what it could it be, seems pretty basic science to me.

We can learn all this stuff about you and use it to target you with ads but telling you those details? Now that’s where we draw the line.

This should be mandatory in all adds.

if the goal is to protect authors rights on their works - blockchain is the least efficient way to do it. In any sense of the word.
If the goal is to invent a new way to make money from nothing - yeah, why not. Heat some planet while doing it too !!