There are answers to every one of your questions if you had bothered to actually read a couple of books instead of coming here thinking that your questions are smart. Here are the answers to all of your questions one by one.
There are answers to every one of your questions if you had bothered to actually read a couple of books instead of coming here thinking that your questions are smart. Here are the answers to all of your questions one by one.
I’ve never seen a single post on mastodon in the last year I’m on it that was controversial-enough, or more so, illegal. I’m not saying that these posts don’t exist, but I have 3 Mastodon accounts on 3 of the biggest instances, and I haven’t seen a bad post yet. As far as I know, these instances are blocked quickly…
Ugh. If you read the Disclosure Act, the language of the law itself does not dispute at all that these UAPs are alien. If anything, the language itself reinforces it. And the senators and representatives have been quite hint-y about it too. So, no, this is not some societal/political science mumbo-jumbo that this…
The whole point of Murena’s eOS is to provide a privacy-based OS, without any kind of tracking, so why are you complaining that “it’s not worth it”? This is like saying that people should not run Linux because sometimes you have to use the command line, so “it’s not worth it”. For many people the extra power or…
So all the collage artists (who are commercial) out there are illegal now? While Supreme Court’s own 1995 ruling about transformation deemed legal? This is really bad for creativity. Some art forms are simply remixes, it’s their nature.
A Topiary needs about $20mil and The Modern Ocean much more (according. to him). You can’t raise that much money via crowdfunding.
I see nothing wrong with her art. If the same art would be produced by an unknown person, people would comment on its post-modernism, and how it fully captures our consumerist and cheap cultural society. But because she's Miley, and she didn't come up with a Michelangelo-type sculpture (which is the unspoken golden…
As someone who is NOT a celiac, and lived with 10 years with IBS without knowing what was the culprit (doctors don't usually test for wheat sensitivity, only for celiac), I can attest to this article. It was gluten sensitivity, and ONLY after I moved to the US. Apparently, in Greece we still use the older varieties of…
I applaud Jackson (and Cameron) for going for high frame rates. The 24p must die. There's nothing "magical" about it, as some filmmakers claim. It was just for financial and technology restraints in the early '30s that we got 24p. The problem is that when you see all movies in 24p and then you watch them in 48 or 60…
While this is the artist's decision, I don't like how the astronaut is posing in the pictures. He's like taking card postal snapshots to show others that the planet he visited was bare. He feels like a tourist rather than an explorer. Unless that was the artist's intention (to have his astronaut be a tourist rather…
Apparently, only one image was commissioned by NASA, according to the artists (I emailed them asking for the license on the images, and they graciously replied).
As someone who spent 10 years being very sick from gluten intolerance and IBS (and tests would NOT show it, since I'm not a celiac — so I didn't know what was wrong with me), I say that regulation is needed, but not at the level is described in the article. You see, I come from Europe. I only became sick 3 months…
This article is misleading, because it doesn't take the whole cycle of the diet into account. Yes, if you take lots of D3 and you get to a high level of D3 in your body, you're going to absorbed more calcium (Mg and K2 also help in the absorption of calcium btw, I take all 3). But all that's fine…
Are you sure about this? The Digic 5 does not have aliasing anymore because it supposedly doesn't skip lines like the Digic 4 did. Sure, the actual measurable resolution is not amazing, but the reports online say that there's not line skipping anymore.
I would recommend local, raw and unfiltered honey. All three conditions must be true for this to work. The local pollen included in the honey will "train" the immune system to not overreact. Be aware though, some people react to honey's pollen as much as from flowers, so be careful with that. But if you can tolerate…
I agree. The video needed a bit more abstraction, not so literal in some scenes, and a bit more dreamy too.
Guys, I was NOT talking about zooming, stop replying about zooming and cropping. I was talking about using the rest of the original ultra-widescreen film to show more, in 16:9 — as long as crew and gear are not visible, of course.
Anyone knows if it's going to be in 16:9 or 4:3? The sample pictures of the update seem to be in 4:3, but I really hope I'm wrong. Even if it won't match the original 4:3, I'd still like it to be 16:9.
While I don't disagree that he may be into drugs (I can't know), I don't think that all this excitement comes from drugs. I believe that he's genuine when he talks this way (fast, stuttering, waving arms — I'm like that too when I talk about stuff I love, and I know I'm clean). I've seen him talk about music,…
I'd suggest you also look at John Maus' excellent album "We Must Become the Pitiless Censors of Ourselves", one album that actually is currently present on many "best album of the year" lists on various blogs (Pitchfork had it as a "honorable mention"). It's sci-fi synthpop of sorts. Songs to check out: "Quantum Leap"…