
I don't particularly dislike the plot, as long as it's done right, but I really have an issue with the date. In 2058 we would barely have made it to Mars, there's no chance we could be sending deep space missions. That's a very common problem I have with many science fiction works, their chronology is too optimistic.

Yes, but there was no ending. The writers had ascendance in their cards, it never happened.

If SyFy wants to do a mini-series, it should re-pick and finish up SGU. A much, much better show than The Event, that it just killed without giving us a real ending. When SyFy fixes its SGU slap in our face, then sure, they should be able to pick up anything else they want.

That's why RDIO does it for me. Because it carries most of my songs, so I don't have to have an ipod. And for the few ones RDIO doesn't carry, I can always put on my Android phone. They fit.

Netflix doesn't stream everything, but you can still get disks from them in the US. So I don't personally feel left out from their collection. But in the music side, RDIO and MOG let you go offline with their tracks, so you can go abroad and still listen to music. To me, the cloud is only useful for things I don't

If it doesn't fit on a 120 GB iPod, it's very unlikely that Apple will give you more than that amount of storage — at least not for free. Also, I don't believe that Apple will let you re-download songs from there, so it's not really a backup.

I personally dislike any of the Amazon/Google/Apple cloud services. I don't see the appeal *at all* being able to access music online that I already have on my iPod. This is why I subscribed to RDIO: because for $10 per month I can listen to any song I want — not just my own tracks. And it has an offline mode too, in

I agree. nVidia's CUDA has good support from video apps (my field), so I don't like seeing the geforce card go.

Sorry, but I loved SGU. The pilot was great in my opinion, as were the first few episodes too, which were very survivor-based rather than bam-boom aliens.

I don't like the premise either (not at all actually), but I will be watching for Robert Carlyle only.

Doesn't look bad, but I'd like it to be a bit more science-fictiony than it seems to be.

I will be watching "Once upon a time" only for Robert Carlyle. I'm not interested in fairy tales, but I'm interested in Carlyle's ability to make evilness uber-sexy.

No, SyFy does not own Stargate. MGM does. And MGM could have pitched the show to any other channel if they had the balls.

In my opinion: SyFy was correct to cancel SGU, which was an expensive show ($2.5 mil per episode according to Robert Carlyle), and its ratings were bad for that kind of budget (SyFy surely was not making its money back).

Nice, I wish it had RDIO and/or MOG too though. I don't use the rest of the supported services they have there.

I agree. LOST started as a drama, became sci-fi, but in the end, it ended up as a religious fantasy. I wish it had ended as sci-fi too. There was one plot that could have kept the scientific element and explain all the mysteries too.

The news in March said that Robert Carlyle ("Dr Rush" in Stargate:Universe) has also signed on for "Once Upon a Time" for ABC. It shoots in Vancouver, so he doesn't have to move either.

I'm not sure I'm a believer of petitions and grass roots movements. In the last 10 years I've been part of 2-3 dying technologies/shows/whatever (e.g. the BeOS, remember that operating system?), but nothing really worked, despite the efforts of the community. They all died, so I kind of lost my hope trying to convince

There is technology-assisted ascendance, not just spiritual one. That's the one he's betting on. The "alien energy in the middle of the universe" might even be his own fabrication, just so he can man the ship while he's working on ascending. Immortality for him is the way he griefs about his wife death. He's a complex

Yeah, me too. And since it's already being said that there won't be any movies, the next best thing is have books that finish the story the way the writers want to finish it (possibly with Dr Rush ascending, as the actor also speculated reently).