
@Deekle: I don't find shows that run as long as soap operas interesting. To me, Dr Who is like scifi soap opera. Cheap, going on forever. I know some people like it, but then again, there are people who also like "All my children". I just can't stand it personally. To me, it's all about shows that are either 12-epi

@Chip Overclock: Problem is, that right now close to 99% is crap on TV. If that was 90%, we wouldn't be having this article in the first place.

@bagellord: I disagree. Both the first two SGs were vanilla '80s television. SGU tries to answer bigger questions, sometime unsuccessfully. But at least it tries to be modern. SG1 and SGA were just too old style.

@tralfaz23: Oh, I stuck with the show too. All these bad shows I mention, I actually watch them all, and haven't missed an episode. Why? Because I'd like to watch TV, but that doesn't mean that I like what I see. In fact, most of the times I exhale loudly on the stupidity of these shows, and my husband tells me "why

@Deekle: I do not like Dr Who, or any of the UK productions. I'm a filmmaker myself, so I have a thin skin about the filmmaking itself. Dr Who might be cool as an idea, but the actual production is so bad, and feels so un-cinematic, that I just can't stand it.

@tralfaz23: I personally hated Caprica, it's the most boring show of all. All this religion stuff in scifi doesn't work for me. Plus, it was just plain boring.

@Toastie: True Blood and Dexter have 12 episode arcs, as long as their seasons. But I still prefer a real big story, rather than one big concept but impossible-to-happen-to-one-person-during-one-lifetime stories.

@Garrison Dean: R.O.A.C.H.: Not for me, I find episodic TV cheap and unreal. I have nothing against a big concept, but the story has to feel natural, times, places, all taken into account.

@Beatcamel: I liked Walking Dead because of its writing and acting, and photography. It felt like a big budget movie.

@ceti: Yup, having a 2-hour pilot helps, since LOST had one too and it worked for it. However, ultimately, the production quality is not as good as it has to be, so it will shed viewers anyway.

@tralfaz23: Agreed. I preferred FF too. It wasn't perfect, but it was my No2 behind LOST last year.

@Eugenia: BTW, to make it clear, I prefer serialized story-telling, by a mile. I can't stand episodic TV. But I believe that NO show should have more than 3 seasons. It's just too much when story tellers try to carry on a story so far. 3 years should be the standard for any scifi show, and 5 years in very, very few

Alasdair, I agree with you 100%. I wrote on my blog too about the awefullness of V and FF and Heroes (and Caprica) and all these shows that they're simply not good enough. After LOST, even if LOST finished badly, no other show was as well made technically, and as engaging. I don't think this was done on purpose by

@Error601: I already have a supposedly compatible iPod. If the app wasn't compatible, it wouldn't show up in the AppStore.

If any Apple engineer reads this: PLEASE, fix the compatibility with AppleTV 1st Generation. This new version of Remote does not work properly with it! I can't see song ratings anymore (I was able to before), and the application is VERY slow to respond. Sometimes it won't connect, but when it does and I try to use my

Well, this is unfortunate. Bug Bunny should have been re-exported from source at full 1080p 3D, and use YouTube's 3D support that has support for many glasses and 3D technologies (not just red-blue glasses). This is just 480p, and anaglyph is baked-in.

@aviador1: Matt updated the article, it now reports 720x480 video recording instead of HD. Thanks Matt.

@aviador1: Engadget said that the "highest" you can record is 720x480, so if there was a 1280x720 option they would have seen it. So I'd still like some confirmation if that's possible please.

Matt, could you please record an actual video with the phone's main cam and report back to us if its resolution is indeed 1280x720? Engadget said that the phone only records at 720x480, which is known as "D1" resolution, not HD. But you say in the review that it's 720p HD, so I'm a bit confused.

@Ghost in the Machine: I was thinking the same thing. In the first season we were told that there were two shuttles only. Now are both away from reach, which means that the stargate is the only way out.