Eugene Oubliette

read the book!

i never thought i'd see Lexx mentioned in a wrestling area. i love this place.

This is excellent. Between this and the album "Rain Temple" by 2814, AV Club has recommended stuff i've really gotten into.

yep, that's me.

Here's an example of what they're trying to push: I was shown on camera jumping up and down last week after Jericho pinned Roman. They edited the highlight to show me looking shocked and upset from earlier in the match except after the pin, to make me look sad Roman lost. So weird.

They are really funny, geeky weirdos who spout pop culture references while entertaining the masses.

that quote is probably the most well delivered line of the entire show.

i took a first date to see "Happiness", without knowing what it was about. There was a lot of crying afterward, so i didn't need to ask.

It's like Spaced, but…you know…*Out*.

i would watch Cartoon Express on USA when i was a kid, and i remember Night Flight coming on after it was over. For some reason, the title sequence scared me.

i used to think the lyrics to Love Shack were "Come on people let's SHOOT BUGS BUNNY!"

It's good now.

you have to get there early. in New Orleans it was to capacity an hour before it started. we only had two food trucks, so getting food took hours. they did not show Rick and Morty at our event, but i'm not sure about the other cities. i had an awesome time though…the new shows they debut are really good.

saw this episode at the Adult Swim Drive-In tour. really great so go watch it, capeesh?

Weaveworld was one of my first favorite books. Been waiting for this for a long time…fingers crossed.

Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders

I totally agree with this, but…i read that whole thing as if you were Harry Caray.

i was at San Diego Comic-Con for their Aqua Teen farewell celebration, and it was really amazing. they laid out blankets, gave out some merch, played some awesome IDM/electronic tunes, and stayed afterward to talk and sign things. i hope they can bring that kind of show on the road…it was great being with really cool,

I just came here to talk about Malvert. His arms though, AMIRITE?

dammit, i'm crying just READING about that episode.