Eugene Oubliette

my girlfriend has a series of booklets from 1966 entitled "Marked For Survival" that went along with a TV program. if anyone is interested, i can post more:

Last year i also had a job removing staples in a medical facility. We weren't allowed headphones either…it was awful. Glad to see that now I can go on to be a successful musician!

"especially if eZelleron could provide some sort of quick charge to Kraftwerk’s occasionally meandering tracks."

Final Fantasy X-2 had a ridiculous, moaning, "sexy" massage scene.

going to…Inglewood now! (shit, we have start over i think)

That is a good song


i never get tired of them singing Little Shop Of Horrors.

This is horribly pedantic of me, but could you please fix the part where you use "loose" instead of "lose"? That ain't you, baby!

HOLY CRAP of all the random people i could have replied to!

this is almost exactly how my girlfriend feels. she got me hooked on the show last year, and now i've watched all 9 seasons in order to catch up. it really does seem like an emotional journey for a lot of people, and i see why.

I'm glad you mentioned getting teary-eyed at the last episode with that damned catchy song. I spent a drunk evening watching all of them back to back and was crying by the end, and i'm not sure why.

i should have warned people not to click. i can't play monopoly now without hearing that awful song.

now that's a theme i can get into.

i actually had the Monopoly theme song stuck in my head a few weeks ago…used to watch the old show back then. hate that song so, so much.