
So there are some memes being circulated that state: “GOP stands for grab our pussies”

I remember a day my school was on lockdown because of the rumor there might be a gun on its way to school. I remember the teachers bringing my seven or eight year old sister to me, because they could not get her to calm down. I remember sitting in the floor of the bathroom with her, and trying to convince her to slow

You can be a Hillary supporter and you don’t have to preface it with the hipster “not my first choice...” Bernie is dunzo. He has been dunzo. Either go whole hog on Hillary or accept that you’re going to be lumped in with Trump supporters in the baskets upon baskets of deplorables.

I really got into it with a family friend over this. He kept on harping on about how “Hillary should be in jail” and “how could anyone vote for such a liar?” I was giving him article after article of fact-checks and reports showing how Trump lies more flagrantly and frequently than Clinton- then upped the ante saying

How terribly sad to not have *anyone* miss you. Not a friend or sibling or co-worker. Not even your own mother who thought you moved out and then didn’t worry that you never ever called.

I’m just glad she learned this lesson for a disease like rotavirus instead of something more dangerous or more likely to have long term effects!

Well it’s a shame it took her whole family getting sick but it’s refreshing to hear an anti-vaxxer say “I was wrong, I was batshit, I’ve since researched and have changed my mind”.

A quote from her exclusive interview with Mahoning County’s newspaper:

I just read this article 10 minutes ago. Things that jump out at me.

Longtime Jez fan, first time poster. I created this account just now because Jackie was a casual friend of mine and I’m the one who sent the story into Jezebel. Just wanted to say thank you so much for using my tip and posting her story. Jackie was a funny, charming, kind young woman and we are trying to get her story

I believe it’s Laura Richards who says “stalking is murder in slow motion.” We have to start treating stalking, dv, and sexual violence as huge red flags for murderers :(

Were you and her close-knit?

This is what late-term abortions are. If we vote for politicians who outlaw late-term abortions, this is what we are outlawing. When we outlaw late-term abortions, we are forcing a woman who very much wants to be a mother to either give birth to a baby only to watch her child die in pain, or forcing her to wait for

I created this account so that I could say, “Me, too.” Every single word. Trisomy 18 (with unrelated complications) that wasn’t discovered until after the legal cutoff date (in Texas, where I’m from). The same miserable situation; the same scramble for cash, the same horrible shot - the same overwhelming gratitude

I had a full-term stillbirth and I related to so very much of this. I can’t even fathom being in a position where making a choice and being forced to jump through a million hoops to see that choice through were part of the equation.

The sad face sticker on the door really hit home for me.

So much warmth and healing to this brave woman (and her husband, and family). I’m commenting for anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation- I faced this particular choice last year (though lucky to be not nearly as far along- terminated around 15 weeks).

Thank you Jia, and thank you, Elizabeth. Telling and publishing these stories is vital to keeping abortion safe and legal. We need more of our stories out there.

I had an abortion at 20 weeks for chromosomal abnormalities. The baby would have lived, but there was no way to tell how much brain or organ function would

Thank you to the author, for sharing this heartbreaking story. My heart goes out to her.