And - and! - then he gave a speech at the United State of Women Summit where he called himself a feminist, quoted Shirley Chisholm and talked about the insane double standard women and girls of color face on regard to assertion, being called “angry”, etc!! And slut shaming was in there too! Senior Year Obama has HAD…
half-fermented bezoar
Oh, snap! I'm standing up in my living room cheering right now.
desiccated, hollowed-out pumpkin stuffed with wasps
At long, long last, President Barack Obama has finally let Donald Trump, a desiccated, hollowed-out pumpkin stuffed…
If you didn’t hate the guy before, the hat of one of the most arrogant teams with one of the biggest pieces of shit to play basketball isn’t helping.
An illustrated coffee table book of these could probably raise mad funds.
My 14-year-old daughter was a big fan, and is really upset about this. We’re having some fairly deep conversations about gun control, misogyny and rape culture this morning, and it’s breaking my heart to watch as the reality of these issues becomes clear to her.
Apparently the shooter was a 21 year old white guy. How much do we want to bet that he was some disgruntled privileged dude who felt he had been slighted by her in some way?
Just no words. Fuckin men and their hatred of women and their stupid fucking everything. Dear men, goddammit, just stop. Fucking stop it. Sincerely, a man who just don’t get it.
I hope to god that this guy shows up again at the Q in 37 days.
How is that a political statement? It’s an objective fact. Is the rotundity of Earth now a debatable subject too?