
That one took me a while to do (a while being relative, i still got through the game in an evening of playing) and it's the only one where i took a break from the game and came back to it.

Personally i can't imagine living in gotham or any other super hero/villain infested city. Your taxes would be ridiculous! every other week someone blows up a bridge, it takes forever to get a bridge or any other public work funded, pushed through red tape and finally constructed.

Well, if we're funding this then i vote for text adventure.

At my office, "Idea Man" = the boss. Everyone else toils away to realize his idea. So basically we have to start a video game company.

It's funny i completely forgot about that aspect of inFamous (even though i LOVED that game.) We could always make our own superman game. :)

And @PulpZero

Unfortunately probably never. It seems like developers struggle with making a superman game. That's not to say that i wouldn't want to see them try.

I agree with his first sentence.

Agreed. Basically a little rumble/vibration would be all it would take. There have been so many times on the train where i've seen someone with a DS/PSP and happen to have the same game in my bag, but it would be far too often to strike up a convo (usually since the train is so crowded you'd have to push past people

I wish there were an option for it to notify you when someone in the vicinity had the same game, instead of only playing rock paper scissors with other 3DS. I live in NYC and take the subway for a good 45mins everyday. It'd be nice to be able to know if anyone else on the train had a 3DS with them, especially for

Different strokes i guess...I played it around the time i was 18/19 and loved it. Well that's not exactly true, i hated it for the first few hours but loved it by the end. I think i played it a few times through. It would let you use the same saved game with your end game stats on a new play through so you could do

I've got a launch 360 and a fat 60gb PS3 and both are still running just fine. (knock on wood) For any of you who watched the video, does the guy doing the voice over sound alan alda-y to you?

@truthtellah: The way i see it he's not directly responsible. My own analogy of events (it seems like everyone has one) is that it's like walking by someone's house, realizing they have a crappy lock on their door and instead of letting them know about their crappy lock, taking an ad in the local paper advertising

@eucrow: Though she's really black most times

@the real david: I try to go for as shallow a depth of field as i can, it's usually the only way to get her on camera

@lordmanimani: I still have nightmares about that took two separate rentals for me to get past that...

@NamelessFragger: I wish they had actually designed it in a Big O motif, i.e. some sort of blackened steel, maybe zinc, with really large countersunk screws and bolts, and peppered with red accents everywhere.