
Love series seven. I always bring it up when the whole Hunger Games vs. Battle Royale thing pops up in mixed company but i'm usually the only one in the room who's seen it.

I was well into my twenties then though i found the strogg-ification scene in quake 4 to be pretty disturbing.

Old man stauf built a house and filled it with his toys

I was thinking the same thing. Such an awesome book.

I also thought of McCaffrey when i saw the pic. Wasn't he the original voice actor for Max, or am i remembering that wrong.

The brave and the bold theme kind of reminds me of the theme to cowboy bebop.

High School of the Dead, man was that a disappointment. The initial sequence showed a lot of promise, maybe derivative of every other zombie movie but in any case fun and then they ruined it with the realistic boob physics 3mins in. The sad part is that, it'd be a pretty good anime (the horror aspect is something

Yes! to any and all mentions to the dark tower

Could it be Tim Drake as Red Robin, or does he use a cowl? Or some sort of pastiche of Tim and Damian's costumes.

Technically not a relaxing game, but whenever i need a hour of zen i find myself playing Ikaruga.

Agreed. I'm in residential, but the firm i work for only has a handful of contractors they like to do business with. We're not unconventional by any means but the second you start introducing non-standard details to the lowest bidder it ends up just being more expensive in the end. Cause you know he's going to get you

Design is an international commodity. You see american architects building overseas and vice versa. As it stands, outside of the cachet of having the building design associated with you and winning any awards that come from the design, what an architect takes home monetarily from a job usually doesn't compare to what

I wonder if they'd bid this out competitively or if they've got a GC that they like to use. I wouldn't be surprised if the architecture firm has a contractor they'd prefer to use (client willing,) due to the seemingly complex nature of the design.

I like that as an idea, low-tech, cheap, and functional.

They most likely mean storing rainwater in tanks and then running through an irrigation system. Still, i lol'ed at your comment. So much of green design is taking cues from nature that when you do see it implemented you can't sometimes help but think "duh." But it still takes a designer willing to implement it and a

Oh okay, never mind then. :)

That's funny, i was reading it in the exact same way....

Who's to say we're not currently sending messages back in time (from some point in the distant future) as we speak, messages which we lack the ability to understand?

As much as i would like to hold out hope that we could use the ability to send messages back in time in a responsible manner, i'm not looking forward to future spam.

It sounds like the woman who voiced catwoman in the Batman: the animated series cartoons in the early/mid 90s