
You still can’t post an article saying that athlete “blames the turf”. Because he didn’t. You can’t put words into someone’s mouth when reporting. For fuck’s sake... what is so hard to understand about that?

“He didn’t stand up and say ‘it was because of the resolution,’”

Hoping that a resolution change might give you an edge and help you win isn’t the same as saying “I lost because the game was set at the wrong resolution.” Hell, it might just be a superstition thing, like a footballer needing to wear a specific kind of clothing.

I thinks the headline as worded (even with the “Update” part) is very misleading and unfair to KoDee and readers. It makes the article sound more controversial and not impartial than it should be.

This is embarrassing, Eric. For you, not him.

Wow. Hack writing at it’s finest.

The title made it sound like he was dick about it. I have to agree with Jacob

So basically you’re making him look like a poor sport for no reason.

I’m always happy to see people thinking critically rather than taking the story presented on authority.

Checking the resolution isn’t the same as blaming and you fucking know it. This is just sleazy.

There’s a difference between checking to see if it was factor, and placing the blame on it.

I mean you’re totally right, Eric, he clearly was concerned about the resolution, but to say he blamed his loss on it is a big jump that was definitely misleading :/ .

So he never blamed anyone ?

WTF. That’s not how reporting works. If your subject doesn’t make a statement, you can’t say he did. Jesus fucking Christ. Fix the headline.

So in other words, he didn’t blame the resolution for his loss. Like, at all.

Dude this is a website hanging on for dear life with employees pretending to be journalists.

That still doesn’t mean he’s blaming it for his loss. You’re putting words in his mouth, and now that he has corrected you, you’re still using the same misleading headline claiming he’s blaming the resolution. What is this?

There’s some vagueness in this article. You say he checked the resolution, but was it actually on the wrong resolution, or was he just checking? Also, did he actually verbally blame the resolution for his loss, or are you just inferring that? I don’t see an actual quote.

Wait until he drops your fantasy team.