
Whoa whoa whoa. Your rationale, calm response has no place in today’s news cycle. Get outraged!

Lots of tweets, but pictures would say much more. If their leggings were shear enough to effectively be pantyhose/underwear as opposed to proper clothing, I would side with United. It’s unreasonable to assume that just because one of the passengers was young that her parents had her dressed properly. We really

Nobody is denying that, man. It just fucking sucks that the constant “who’s it gonna be who fucked up THIS week?” mindset in current culture is actually KEEPING people from expressing themselves because of fear of said consequences. You can’t even have a goddamn conversation about race these days because people are

I agree, but if everybody starts to get tons of shit everytime they say something controversial, we are going to end up in a society where nobody says what they are thinking, where there is only one way to think.

And yet Jezebel’s article is written as if he was a petty, sore loser. Blehhhh


Ugh. Jesus Christ. “I receive many awards from various groups, not all of whom I agree with. Any awards extended to me from fringe hate groups have never, and will never be accepted. I detest the ideology of the KKK, and would never accept an award from them.”

Schilling is the same guy who went absolutely batshit insane when his daughter was the subject of social media trolls a little while ago. Yet he has no problem with the Trumpster drooling over young girls. Why, it’s almost like Curt’s a giant goddamn hypocrite!

At least he dressed up for the occasion.

Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...

Dak feels like he could take on the entire Empire himself!

“You’re a prison” is such a good comeback.

Edgy. I think your Mom is calling you to dinner. She made the special meatloaf without onions for her special little man!

Because prop guns are the issue. Not radical Islam or the fact that a man who was being watched by the FBI was able to get guns. Moral victory I guess

Los Angeles Rams (that’s going to take getting used to)

Los Angeles Rams (that’s going to take getting used to)....