
Oh, get fucked. You’re not allowed to laugh at jokes about certain things but then get offended and outlaw them the moment they touch something you find “off limits”. You’ve probably laughed at jokes that disparage other groups of people or a single person before. That shit cuts both ways, homie. Either all of it is

That’s the point. None of these keyboard warriors up in arms about this “problematic scene” have ever read a single book by King. Hell, half the people writing articles about It haven’t even read the thing. They don’t even realize they’re the butt of the joke.

Chuck Hughes died on the field in the 70s, young one. Ain’t nothin gonna get stop football.

Shush. Let people enjoy things.

Barack Obama should absolutely use that law degree of his and be legal counsel against the ban. I wanna see President vs President, dammit.


You beautiful bastard.

FYI, he isn’t actually a troll. He said something Laserface got butt hurt about a few months ago and he’s been spamming his replies with “this person is a troll” a bunch. I’ve seen it in like 3 different threads.

You still can’t post an article saying that athlete “blames the turf”. Because he didn’t. You can’t put words into someone’s mouth when reporting. For fuck’s sake... what is so hard to understand about that?

“He didn’t stand up and say ‘it was because of the resolution,’”

“Even if the resolution was the issue then why didn’t he address the issue before the match started?”

You can’t say someone said something that they didn’t say. That’s dishonest reporting. Him checking a setting at the end of the first round doesn’t grant a reporter license to say he “blamed the setting for his loss.” You can’t say that unless he, y’know, literally blamed the setting for his loss.

Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. Dems need to take back 4 blue-collar states, and they win.

You sir, didn’t pay attention in ‘08.

Get blue-collar votes. It’s that simple. Win the small town working class, and you win the presidency. Every time. Dems need to become the party of honest, humble, hard workers. Jobs. That’s it.

He would have won the blue collar working class voters that she couldn’t. He would have absored and extended her base. So yes, he would have been better.

Women are garbage.

Because most gamers are, sadly, spoiled fucking twats.

He’s not a troll. I share his same sentiment. Am I a troll, too?

Then maybe they should learn to separate art from reality. God damn. Are people really such fucking pansies?