
I did just that and we have had some big struggles (in one right now actually). But what I come back to is, “This is worth the hard work we need to occasionally put into it.”

My anecdata suggests that men in long term relationships are happier than the women in them

I think a lot of people make marriage to be harder than it actually is. Find someone you enjoy being with and don’t get married until you’re at least mid-30's seems to work the best in my circle.

MBA programs don’t teach people how to run businesses. They teach entitled idiots how to network.

The response by the company - talk to the employees and tell why unions are not the way to go.. is an old anti-union tactic that is still sold/presented to corporations by anti-union companies that sell their wares to HR departments all across corp america. It’s the oldest in the book. Tell why you’re so great and

Yay that was fucking heinous.

I’m not anti-charter school. I think they can be good labs for ideas.
Charters as they are being instituted NOW though are overwhelmingly degree mills bent on getting rid of kids who don’t perform and adhearing to drill drill drill in order to perform well on tests.


Shitty “No Excuses”

We must all give what we can. Please, join together and donate to my new charity, Kroners for Boners.

There’s a vas deferens between penis and testicle jokes.

Hang on Trollpikken, help is on the way.

Castration is removing the testicles. This was more of a Lorena Bobbitt.

Years back, I had dinner with her and Jude Law and a few others, mostly popular academics, and she undertook a relentless campaign to be the guiding intelligence of that evening’s conversation. Maybe she isn’t dumb, I don’t know, but she was surrounded by really smart people and she talked over everyone, interrupted

Really? Granted, he’s going through a hard time, but I would think that 53 is fairly well on the mark.

She’s like the cool whip to brad whoever’s marshmallow fluff...

Ugh and he’d try to talk to you about his art too.

I’ve always felt that Gal Gadot is what Ashley Judd would look like if she served a few years in the Israeli Defense Forces.

Brad Pitt past his “best by” date, still smarting from a high-profile breakup, with a bunch of kids and, some addiction issues that aren’t cute in someone over 25?

Oh sure. Playdates for their kids Ding-a-ling and Coochie.

For a sec, I thought it said, “Migos and Joe Biden.” Hey, you never know with Joe...

Now playing

“Sienna Pitt” sounds like a a business card font style from American Psycho.

Welcome to Melrose Place