
People playing at being poor makes me crazy. It’s why I detest On The Road so much. If I wanted to listen to a bunch of middle-class white dudes wax poetic about issues that don’t effect them I would join the Republican party.

The liberals are the fascists now. Rioting in the streets, attacking conservatives and all, just to avenge Hillary Clinton. At least that’s what the RWNJs tell me. I’ve got one in my feed, and the projection is astronomical Every thing Twump supporters are doing, she claims it’s the left that is the problem. Rep.

As relevant as he ever.

They’re similar in as much as they’re both noises made by birds. Chickens go “cuck, cuck, cuck”, while turkeys go “goebbel, goebbel, goebbel”.

Don’t try to make any sense of it. It’s a dead-end road.

The entire mindset conservatives apply to these things is “Liberals are bad, and people think Thing X is bad, so liberals are Thing X!” It’s how they claimed that Obama was simultaneously a Muslim Atheist, or a Nazi Communist. They don’t know what any of these words mean, they just know it provokes a reaction. It’s

Goebbels is German for Bannon.

Yeah it’s a weird choice. Although, this guy is making a lot of weird and bad choices, so at least he’s consistent.

And here I thought that Shakespeare guy is doing an amazing job and getting recognized more and more.

I’m going to go ahead and assume that these people have neither read nor seen a production of Julius Caesar. Spoiler Alert: “We should totally just stab Caesar!” was not Shakespeare’s message. You are confusing Shakespeare with Gretchen Weiners.

Now playing

Thanks for the laugh. It reminds me of this:

Ahahahaha somehow that is the funniest fucking thing

Fuck that noise: just dab a little White-Out on that bitch and call it a day.

Good recipe 4/5. Except I substituted garlic salt and am now a pizza.

Instructions unclear. Dick now in bug, soul elsewhere, voices in brain. Please help. Is there a ctrl-z for this sort of thing, or do i just now inhabit this body with extra souls until i buy a new monitor and mobo?

Also, don’t summon more ants in the process. Rookie mistake.

If, when following these instructions, I find myself inhabiting the body of th ebug, is there any danger that I may have been pushed back in time and find myself then trapped in my monitor, ready to be crushed by myself?

You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

Best Kotaku article I’ve ever read, along with a valuable life lesson.